Week off from weights...

DancingMoosie Posts: 8,613 Member
This last week was spring break, so I was out of the gym. I had just increased my bench and squat before the break. I am going back in on Monday. Should I back off on the total weight lifted this week, or just try to start back where I left off? I read somewhere (I think bodybuilding.com) to back off to maybe 75%, but that seems a little extreme and not sure how quickly I could get my lifts back up again if I decrease that much.

I also want to add in some glute-centric exercises (walking lunges, hip thrust, stiff-leg deads, split squats) I lift M/W, my version of SL 5x5 plus accessories. How should I add these to my routine? I have my exercises in my diary if anyone cares to look...


  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    If you're using the SL app it will suggest a deload of 10%, I believe the app is set for 10% per week but not sure. 25% seems a bit too steap, when I was running SL the deload recommendations were fairly accurate.
    Have you tried a Romanian Deadlift, that and glute thrust are my new luv!
    Enjoy your spring break!
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,613 Member
    I don't use the app, but10% sounds ok. I go back tomorrow...should be really sore come Tuesday or Wednesday. I might have to push my second lifting day to Thursday this week if DOMS are bad. I'm thinking of:

    Monday--bench 90 5x5, squat 125 5x5, OHP 50 5x5, row 65 5x5, deadlift 135 2x5, Romanian Deadlift 65 5x5, glute thrust 65 5x5.

    Wed(or Th) same or similar weights as Mon--bench, squat, pull-ups, glute bridge, walking lunges, sumo plie squat

    Sound good?
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    Basically I was rotating between A and B, and adding some StrongCurve exercises as accessories. Not sure about deadlift 2x a week, all programs recommend 1x and 1 set to limit back injuries.
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    I actually still use SL/SC as a fall back...