March Challenge ~~ Mar 21st - Mar 27th

cpanus Posts: 19,437 Member
Get out your big, fat exercise balls! Get ready for fun!! bwahahah!


Modify where needed! Let me know what you think.




  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    edited March 2016
    Ruhr rurrr.... I'm envisioning lots of bruised backsides! Chris, your membership in the "Zero 1000 burpees club" might need to be re-examined if those reverse crunches are as bad as they look! :grumble:
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,437 Member
    edited March 2016
    The reverse crunches aren't hard, Paula...staying on the ball is hard! bwahahah! Start with the ball against a wall if you can. See if that helps.



  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    I am going to try this!
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    This is going to be fun! Almost like a carnival ride gone bad! Muahahaha.


  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    I was a bit unresponsive this weekend. First my computer was giving me fits. Second my mom was in the ER in California. Her and my sister and her clan went to Disney Land from Spokane WA. They drove. My mom lost her meds. And she became really ill. She is better now. But I was worried sick. And I was also thinking I am so glad I spent lots of time with her during last Christmas. Hopefully she is home now.

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    edited March 2016
    I was a bit unresponsive this weekend. First my computer was giving me fits. Second my mom was in the ER in California. Her and my sister and her clan went to Disney Land from Spokane WA. They drove. My mom lost her meds. And she became really ill. She is better now. But I was worried sick. And I was also thinking I am so glad I spent lots of time with her during last Christmas. Hopefully she is home now.

    Oh god, Shelley. So sorry. So hard. :cry:

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,269 Member
    I was a bit unresponsive this weekend. First my computer was giving me fits. Second my mom was in the ER in California. Her and my sister and her clan went to Disney Land from Spokane WA. They drove. My mom lost her meds. And she became really ill. She is better now. But I was worried sick. And I was also thinking I am so glad I spent lots of time with her during last Christmas. Hopefully she is home now.


    Shelley, I hope your Mom is home and doing better. It's difficult as our parents age...role reversal.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,437 Member
    Shelley, I hope your mom is doing okay.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,437 Member
    I got walking done with DH and Bean but we got back too late to get my biking in before 1st grade...First grade was hard and then I had to go to the grocery store and then I didn't want to do anything...tomorrow is a new day!

    Hope everyone is A-okay.

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    edited March 2016
    Chris, I thought if I used the peanut, it wouldn't need to be against the wall, but that was wrong. Yup, ended up on but. Found out my feet just slide over the carpet if the ball is rolling backwards - no traction, no help, nope, going, going (oof) down.

    Am I doing the cross crunches wrong, because it just feels like sitting in a chair and looking left, then right. Too easy, therefore, must be wrong.

    I'm really good at that corpse pose, though:
    lay on back... look at ceiling... turn off brain... repeat...

  • WranglerMichelle
    WranglerMichelle Posts: 529 Member
    Oh, Shelley. :( I hope your mom is okay!

    Paula, for the cross crunches, try sliding forward on the ball until you feel your core muscles engage. Keep your back straight. When you cross over, crunch your elbow down a little, almost like you were going to try to crunch it to your knee. You probably won't be able to, but that's okay. The muscles are still getting worked! And I love the corpse pose in the LOTR challenge. Yesterday, I stayed in it for about 5 minutes picturing myself running a horse through mountains, woods, forests, and rivers. It was so relaxing until my dog came up and started licking my face!! Guess that was enough relaxing for one day.

    Probably going to try this challenge tonight when I get home from work. Looks like it will be most amusing for my husband and the dog, watching me sliding around everywhere. :laugh:
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,437 Member
    Paula, I had to brace my feet against the wall for the first three and the last exercise. For the reverse crunches and the plank, I just had to stay on the ball!! The cross crunch looks to me like you come up, do the crunch, twist left or right, come to center and lay back on the ball. It's adding the twist to the crunch. Does that make sense?

    Have fun, Michelle!!

    Walked this morning w/DH and Bean for 4.0 miles in 93 mins (6.03 total miles for 13,169 steps) then got on the recumbent for 13.10 miles in 45 mins and an episode of Grimm then went to 1st grade then did three sets of our challenge. A good day!

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    Mon is doing better! Thanks for all the well wishes.

    Corpse pose Paula! Where, you made that up. :p. Oh wait, Michelle mentioned it also, but not here. Sneaky you are my Precious!

    Michelle I did lots of sliding also. But no falling! :wink:

    Chris I have just loved the last few Grimms! To bad you are not a zombie gal. Walking Dead is just so.....So dead!

    One more week and we will know who our new Sgt. is.

    The new fish Fred is still doing good in his quarantine tank. 33 days and going strong. Couple more weeks and he can go to his new home.

    Threw a few women out of court today. They just kept talking to the inmates. You would have thought it was visiting hour! Crocuses are up and blooming, and some planets even made it through the winter. I love flowers. :)

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    Crocuses are always the first to pop up :flowerforyou: glad your Mom is better.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    That was pansys made it through the winter! I hate auto correct. :s

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,437 Member
    I guess I am reading way too fast... I missed Paula's Corpse Pose :D:D FOOMCF! into the Corpse Pose, and I missed Shelley's planets making it through winter!! :D:D definite Laughing Corpse Pose!! AND...I got up way too early thinking I was out of time! UGH! It's going to be a great day today!! :p



  • WranglerMichelle
    WranglerMichelle Posts: 529 Member
    Glad your mom is doing well, Shelley!!

    The corpse pose is an actual yoga pose (technically called "savasana" but since I'm not fancy I just call it by its street name) where you lay flat on your back with your palms facing the ceiling, breathing deeply and trying to relax completely while you shut out everything that is stressing you out, maybe even picturing something peaceful and relaxing (I always picture galloping around on horseback). It's part of the Lord of the Rings challenge this week. I'm actually really enjoying it! It's much harder to let myself totally relax than I thought. Boy, when laying flat on your back for a few minutes becomes challenging, you might have a problem. :D

    Didn't get around to this last night because the Harry Potter challenge just posted some required (Harry Potter-themed!) workouts for the week, so I did one of those instead. Once I'm done with those, I'll hit this one!
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    edited March 2016
    Chris you are retired! You cannot get up late. :wink:

    Ok Michelle, I call it nap time! :*

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,437 Member
    Shelley...need to pick up grandpup before DDD leaves for 1st grade. Have to have all my coffee/smoothie/vitamins before I go get him so we can go walking when I get home...being retired is hard/busy work!!!!

    Walked w/DH and Bean this morning for 4.10 miles in 95 mins (6.62 total miles for 14,461 steps) then got on the bike for 13.25 miles in 45 mins and an episode of Grimm then went to 1st grade then hit the gym w/DDD and our trainer for a brutal hour! Done!!

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    Chris those reverse crunches are tough! I think you need to get DDD to give you a key. Just in case you sleep in! o:) nice walk, but that workout with the trainer sounded awesome. I am caught up with Grimm.

    Well the phosphates are at 00 in the 65 gallon and dropped from over .64 to .16. That is awesome! Now how long can algae live with no phosphates?

    Having a tree cut down. Getting estimates right now. The tree is mostly dead. It is in a raised garden bed. Up next to my garage and over my covered patio. Tree is surrounded by gardens and brick walkways. I want all parts lowered to the ground. No "dropping"of branches.

    Paula if I understand correctly your home is safe. But the garage is going to be costly to save? So glad the home is safe. Garages are much easier to deal with. I admit I would be heart broken if it were my garage. Or the patio anyways. We built the covered part out of wood salvaged from the original garage. It is only 6 years old. Good luck with yours.
