Fatigue is not my friend

katnoir1 Posts: 128 Member
Honest confession: I had a sleepless night last night (a couple of possums decided to throw a party on my roof at 1am!). When I got to the office this morning, I grabbed my mug and went straight to the tearoom for a coffee. Unfortunately, there was a plate of Easter eggs on the table in the tearoom. I don't think I have to say what I did next.

On the plus side, the sugar hit has woken me up. The downside of course is that this feels like such a big step backwards for me. Feeling a bit embarassed that I slipped, and I know I'm going to feel rubbish later *sigh*


  • Ellevated
    Ellevated Posts: 192 Member
    katnoir1 wrote: »
    The downside of course is that this feels like such a big step backwards for me. Feeling a bit embarassed that I slipped, and I know I'm going to feel rubbish later *sigh*

    Hi :smile:

    No need to be embarrassed. Everybody slips up from time to time. If that inner voice starts criticising you for this, thank it for its input and send it on its way! Be kind to yourself today, you especially need compassion when you're tired. How are you doing now?
  • katnoir1
    katnoir1 Posts: 128 Member
    Well the eating patterns didn't improve much for the rest of the day, but fortunately I didn't suffer for it. Today is a new day though and the power to make better choices is all mine, so here's hoping!
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    Good for you in seeing how you don't have to keep going on yesterday's path.
    Today is a new day, or even each meal is one we can eat consciously.
    Sunday was a trial for me. Not completely out of control, but definately an unusual circumstance in which I was eating differently than I would have liked. So, thankfully, by today I am finding my way back to calm.