March Mindfulness Challenge: Week 4 (3/22-3/31)



  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    Happy Dyngus Day! (Can't wait for Tuesday) >:)

    BW: LCHF 189 (5.1.2015)
    SW: 147 (March 1st)
    CW: 147
    GW: for March 142
    Exercise - No
    Sleep - OK
    Calories - Arg
    Carbs - Double Arg

    On the upside I was mindful of everything I ate and made for dinner. On the down side, I did
    indulge in dessert (but not alcohol) Also, although it wasn't a complete blow out, it wasn't exactly a diet weekend. Bounced back up again. 2 up, 2 down. This really has been more of a Mental March and really getting my head back in the game, than anything else. Family can be rough on the nerves. I have elderly relatives who can really try your patience. I did my good deed for the month. I'd love to close out the month with a down number. Last push this week!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    I am mindfully still eating my ground beef. I mindfully still love my ground beef. And I mindfully can't $(*@%ing wait to add some eggs to my ground beef.

    That's my big update. Whoo!
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Well, another trip out to the dumpster with my food contraband. Maintenence is so hard for me....and it's back to the Keto drawing board. Again. I am hoping that with each advance and retreat I am learning something or some new skills that may eventually help me be able to do maintenence.
    I am so grateful to be at a place of weight loss that I can gain a few pounds and not have it mess with my self image..i really am that close to a good goal weight and trust that keto will bring me back down after a disappointing maintenence trial period. I am so grateful that I am learning to set limits to my trial periods and get back to keto before I need to go up a clothing size. I am so grateful to have the faith in myself to keep trying and trying even after so many failures because I believe I will figure it out someday. It is nice to find that I do believe in myself.
    One thing I find as I transition into maintenence is that it is coinciding with risk taking in my life...or dare I actually say- living my life. I took a risk at work, asking to be trained to do something that I really want to do, and that is now going to happen..I was so afraid to ask, but Wow!
    Well. Day off, resting on my laurels, painting some landscapes, sewing, living the dream. Have a great day, pals!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    glossbones wrote: »
    I am mindfully still eating my ground beef. I mindfully still love my ground beef. And I mindfully can't $(*@%ing wait to add some eggs to my ground beef.

    That's my big update. Whoo!

    No one can blame you there. :lol:

    I'm convinced I need to do a 2-week all-meat challenge and then add things back like you listed in the ground beef thread. The veggie pusher however would never let that happen.

    elize7 wrote: »
    Well, another trip out to the dumpster with my food contraband. Maintenence is so hard for me....and it's back to the Keto drawing board. Again. I am hoping that with each advance and retreat I am learning something or some new skills that may eventually help me be able to do maintenence.
    I am so grateful to be at a place of weight loss that I can gain a few pounds and not have it mess with my self image..i really am that close to a good goal weight and trust that keto will bring me back down after a disappointing maintenence trial period. I am so grateful that I am learning to set limits to my trial periods and get back to keto before I need to go up a clothing size. I am so grateful to have the faith in myself to keep trying and trying even after so many failures because I believe I will figure it out someday. It is nice to find that I do believe in myself.
    One thing I find as I transition into maintenence is that it is coinciding with risk taking in my life...or dare I actually say- living my life. I took a risk at work, asking to be trained to do something that I really want to do, and that is now going to happen..I was so afraid to ask, but Wow!
    Well. Day off, resting on my laurels, painting some landscapes, sewing, living the dream. Have a great day, pals!

    IMO maintenance is as hard as losing. You have to figure out how much you can push things before you go too far. I went too far, now I'm having to claw my way back. It's hard. I've learned all kinds of things though. Each one is getting me closer to achieving a place where I can maintain in cruise mode.

    I'm trying to continue to mindfully eat. I notice I was munching way too much after supper. Jess, there's a difference between satiety and being too full to eat anymore, dear. Learn that, mmmmkaay? So I've been doing IF with a firm cut-off after supper. I'm making it to noon on only my cuppa with h&h and CO, though I'd like to try to work my way to black with stevia over time to make it an honest fasting window. Me and my hangries require baby steps. But for me to make it just on the cuppa as it is right now without becoming Super-Beeotch, is progress indeed. :+1: I'm still not tracking cals and I don't want to. But I need to get these 9lb off. I know I'm retaining water from my strength training and lack of sleep. I've been at under 50g since Friday, but the water weight isn't going yet. Makes me she-Hulk-angry, but I'll deal. It's just not as easy unless I'm sub 20. Which I need to do. I can't seem to manage it. I like my dumb ol' low-carb tortilla with which I make yummy wraps and toast to make sammies with. But it's 16g with 9g fiber. I'm going to not eat those for a few days. I've made lower-carb wraps before but they are gummy and so calorie dense...

    Anyway, I've been without any supplements or vites since Saturday. No improvement. I've increased the frequency of CO in my eyes and it seems to keep them just lubricated enough to allow me to only get up 3 times instead of 7. I HAVE TO SLEEP. Next week, should the supplement elim not bear fruit (I know it won't-but DH needs convinced) I'll be going back to the eye dr to discuss my expensive, out-of-pocket options.

    If I have an idea, it's WOO. He has an idea, and it's golden, inspired, and scientific... grumble-339d455a4872582ad12cd7d546e57fa7.gif

  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    @elize7. Great post. Congratulations on making the transition to maintenance! So inspiring what you wrote. Power on!

    March 29th
    Still working towards my goals! One day at a time. Making the next 24 hours count.

    BW: LCHF 189 (5.1.2015)
    SW: 147 (March 1st)
    CW: 147 - here again.
    GW: for March 142
    Exercise - No
    Sleep - Good.
    Calories - Good
    Carbs - Good.

    Coming into a good day. Meals planned, exercise scheduled. Plugging away.
  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    The Easter bunny brought some stuff into the house that (I) she shouldn't have. Reese's peanut butter eggs. Dear God. Well, I made the conscious decision to eat some and "get it out of my system". Now they're gone. Yesterday I started the All Animal April challenge, a little early. I think it will go well, as far as eating, anyway. Who know what that rotten old scale will say. I have some veg at home which my DH will gladly take care of. Planned my meals for the week. Salmon with a wad of butter, tonite. Yeah!
  • JodiSW
    JodiSW Posts: 193 Member
    @ChoiceNotChance - I'm starting the ground beef thang from now (starting today) until at least April 15. Are you on a thread for All Animal April? If so, would you post it? :smiley:
  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    I'll have to find it @JodiSW. Is there separate thread or is the April Challenge the @FIT_Goat started?
  • JodiSW
    JodiSW Posts: 193 Member
    Thanks! I'm following @FIT_Goat's 30 days of ground beef. I'd love to keep in contact with others who are embarking on this great body experiment!
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    I am in on @FIT_Goat 30 day ground beef challenge, but day 4 I have added beef steak. I quickly realised this girl just does mot have the taste buds capable of loving ground beef for every meal. Stuck with it for 3 days, lost a kilo! Added steak in for variety. Hardly can believe I am claiming beef is variety when eating ground beef.
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    @baconslave good luck with finding out what is wrong. In a way I was hoping my allergy tests would say I do have an allergy then at least I would know what to avoid. Instead I have months of dodging histamines and experimentation with adding in avocado, tomato, dairy etc. Apparently we can accumulate histamine like a plugged sink. One day we are ok with eating something, next day when sink is full, maybe not. This is not easy but wish you every success in finding what is wrong.

    BTW my DH has about as much empathy n understanding of my choices in food as yours does. I can really relate to your "being made fun of for cutting things out comment". I have lost 10 kilos in 6 months so I hope at some stage he thinks how did she do that!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    I'll have to find it @JodiSW. Is there separate thread or is the April Challenge the @FIT_Goat started?

    I don't think there's a thread yet.
    Dragonwolf and Goat are both involved.
    I'm not sure if they are going to take care of both AAA and Ad Lib or what.
    I'd be glad to head up the Ad Lib challenge if they are wanting to separate them.
  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    OK, thanks. I'll just post in the April challenge thread in the meantime.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    @baconslave good luck with finding out what is wrong. In a way I was hoping my allergy tests would say I do have an allergy then at least I would know what to avoid. Instead I have months of dodging histamines and experimentation with adding in avocado, tomato, dairy etc. Apparently we can accumulate histamine like a plugged sink. One day we are ok with eating something, next day when sink is full, maybe not. This is not easy but wish you every success in finding what is wrong.

    BTW my DH has about as much empathy n understanding of my choices in food as yours does. I can really relate to your "being made fun of for cutting things out comment". I have lost 10 kilos in 6 months so I hope at some stage he thinks how did she do that!

    I'm afraid a strict elimination is in my future as soon as Monsieur Veggie Pusher (the Mocking DH) can be convinced I'm not killing myself. It could turn up nothing. But I owe it to myself to find out.

    He went on and on about how I'm clogging my arteries. Then my bloodwork showed:
    Trigs: 40
    HDL: 103
    LDL: 114

    But because the total is over 200 because HDL is so high, he still feels justified. ARGHHHHHH! :rage:
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Trying to get back on track after our trip.

    MAR 30
    Totals 1,598 61 109 90 17 3,564
    Goal 1,600 60 107 100 20 5,000
    Calories Carbs Fat Protein Fiber Sodium
    Didn't have time or energy to exercise today but I did finally get a good night's sleep!
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    HDL 103?? @baconslave, that's awesome!! And your ratio is fantastic. What did your dr say?
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    @baconslave love your bloodwork. I feel like I am running an espionage operation. Covert activities of early morning breakfast (bpc n meat), lunch at work (eggs, chicken or fish) then dinner where our timing can mean we eat seperately so I am unobserved not eating veg. I have always referred to the veggie crisper in our fridge as the veg composter so there are a few items that are cycling thru there and I am buying less veg, n just the ones he really enjoys.

    Silliness but he does know Doctor said no histamines for a month (awesome excuse BTW if you can get a medical partner in crime, then the worries about harming self are easier to rebuttle, imo). Elimination is difficult but you might be able to do like me with fresh meat, fresh fish, kale, lettuce, and a couple of other friendly veg like asparagus in the mix then build up. FODMAP, GAPS or histamine free diets for example.
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    Last Day of March!

    BW: LCHF 189 (5.1.2015)
    SW: 147 (March 1st)
    CW: 147.
    GW: for March 142
    Exercise - No
    Sleep - OK
    Calories - OK
    Carbs - OK

    My BFF lost 14 pounds this month! Yea for her. Meanwhile. Nothing this month for me.
    That is really discouraging. At least I didn't gain, but after getting down to 145, bouncing
    back and forth between 145-147 every week. Taking a real hard look.
    Things I did to derail my progress. Weekend drinks -stop it. Easter carbs - stop it. Birthday overindulgence - stop it. Not enough exercise. With more daylight and nicer weather on the way that should change.

    April will be a fresh start. Today is planned out. One day at a time next month. Making it count.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    @baconslave love your bloodwork. I feel like I am running an espionage operation. Covert activities of early morning breakfast (bpc n meat), lunch at work (eggs, chicken or fish) then dinner where our timing can mean we eat seperately so I am unobserved not eating veg. I have always referred to the veggie crisper in our fridge as the veg composter so there are a few items that are cycling thru there and I am buying less veg, n just the ones he really enjoys.

    Silliness but he does know Doctor said no histamines for a month (awesome excuse BTW if you can get a medical partner in crime, then the worries about harming self are easier to rebuttle, imo). Elimination is difficult but you might be able to do like me with fresh meat, fresh fish, kale, lettuce, and a couple of other friendly veg like asparagus in the mix then build up. FODMAP, GAPS or histamine free diets for example.

    If I can find links to send DH on the recommendation by physicians to treat autoimmune stuff with an anitinflammatoy diet, that would help I think. I need to do this. and if it causes a fight, again. I don't care.
    Unfortunately, the dr obviously didn't take me seriously about my condition. I homeschool and have no childcare so it is really hard for me to go to appts. (There's no cure and very little treatment available for Sjogren's. So I'll only bother with a rheumy as a last desperate resort.) To say nothing of my horrible insurance. We have a $7000 deductible.