easter candy

I have totally lost it this past week. I bought some candy to stuff easter eggs with. Big mistake!! I cannot stay away from it. Oh my goodness I am just in love with the robin eggs right now. I get so frustrated with myself because everyday I say to myself not today, but I keep finding myself digging into that candy. I just cannot practice any self control what so ever.

For some reason this seems like it has gotten harder for me. In the beginning I guess I was more determined. I didnt let anything break me.. But as time has gone by I am finding myself straying more often.

I do not know how I can get back to where I need to be. The candy is going to be in the house for another 6 days.


  • cj0725
    cj0725 Posts: 28 Member
    Robin eggs, yummy! Those and Cadbury eggs are, by far, my favorite! I am not planning on buying any candy that I actually like for my son's basket! Not sure what I will get for him, but robins eggs and Cadbury's will not be in the mix!

    For my sweet tooth, I buy Atkins candy, specifically the peanut butter cups. When I get a chocolate craving, I eat one or two of those as my sweet treat for the day. I am finding that I don't need them every day anymore.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    I just wrote this to someone about feeling like making no progress on the scale, but the motivational part applies to here, too. Get VIVID and DESCRIPTIVE with your visualization. Make it real....

    If you don't FEEL like you are losing inches, what do measurements say? What do the pictures look like? Have your husband take and hide your scale. Focus on achieving other health markers - or a smaller size jeans. Even if your body is not changing on the outside, it's doing a complete overhaul internally. Isn't that what our overall goals are? That being said, I would sit down, and get into the nitty gritty of your head. What are your overall health goals - that have nothing to do with the scale. Because someone weighing 170 can look like Jabba the Hut or a an anorexic teen or Ronda Rousey or any thing in between, so a scale number MEANS NOTHING. Not without context. I would also skip sized based goals. I want to be able to ride 10 miles without stopping. I want to be able to climb the 5 mile local trail. I want to be able to outrun my kids. I want to sleep better. I want to get off of XYZ medication. Go on and on and on UNTIL YOU CAN SEE IT IN YOUR HEAD. Write them down. Take motivational pictures. And make percentage marks for those things. Riding 1 mile without stopping in on the box is 10% toward that goal. Reduce the importance the "scale" number. Doctors will even (mostly) be able to get away from the scale numbers when they see your body fat reducing, your fitness increasing, and your blood lab numbers improving! It's hard to argue with that...

    Otherwise, get your boyfriend to take the crap out of the house until it's needed. Have him take it to work and bring it home when he's done working for the week. Or lock it away in the freezer. Remind yourself that you're essentially STEALING FROM YOUR SON if you keep this up, etc. Find a point of motivation that means something.

    If you can't find an AS that works for you to make recipes with, then you're probably going to need to ditch them altogether for a few weeks to kick the sugar craving habit...
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    A banner over my door that works well for me:
    If it doesn't come to the house, I can't eat it.

    Anything in the house like cake, cookies, ice cream, candy will whisper to me all night long; "ready or not, come find me", "I'm yummy and lonely", "Hellloooo. I'm here"..
    Evil things really. Any "treat" either goes to work or to school or out. The worst part for me is the nighttime when those wretched things come to life. Get them out of the house, now. Quickly.
    Bring it to work and hide it with the receptionist. Give them to someone else, anyone else to jail them until disseminated. I would have gone the route of boiled eggs and had the fun of coloring them instead of sugar. Candy does not need to be in the house for 6 days. Goodness woman, that's madness. :)
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    BTW, I am getting my son one milk chocolate bunny. Wrapped in its own package. That way he has his treat, and not a bunch of pieces that could cry out to me. Be strong!
  • wishfullthinking79
    wishfullthinking79 Posts: 322 Member
    @slimzandra I actually do both hardboiled eggs and plastic eggs for my kiddo. Of course I am not going to pass up the opportunity to color eggs with my little man. We actually do two egg hunts. One we do with my boyfriend before he goes to work and then the other one we do with some friends who have a daughter my sons age. Looking back at it now I see that I should have waited to buy the candy. And yes it would have been a wise decision not to buy candy I know I adore. It haunts me too.

    @KnitOrMiss I try to tell myself that I should stay away from the candy because it is for my son but then I just rationalize that I can always buy more. I did get the liquid splenda in the mail today. I have not tried it yet.

    This is a sick game I am playing with myself. I definitely need to be strong.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Maybe put it in a cooler with some ice packs in the trunk of your car??? LOL
  • kimbo8435
    kimbo8435 Posts: 129 Member
    for the past couple of years for Halloween, my DH and I have only gotten the candy on the day before (it's usually on sale then anyway) and only get the sour stuff. I HATE sour candy. If chocolate gets into the mix, then I'm in trouble! It definitely has a distinctive midnight call...
  • wishfullthinking79
    wishfullthinking79 Posts: 322 Member
    I ate all the Robin eggs last night. I just couldn't resist. Bad thing is I actually thought about buying more. But I am not. As long as it is not in the apartment I am ok. BUT that is the least of my worries. My boyfriend brought home girl scout cookies. My favorite thin mints. It is a constant uphill battle for me.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    This used to be me, 24/7. It still is, on occasion. Keep working on the mental side of things. Get graphic and harsh with your motivations to not do things. Like if you tell yourself you're stealing from your son, imagine telling him you stole his treats, and because you bought new ones, now you can't take him to the movies or an outing. Make it brutal. Getting harsh consequences into your head helps break this.

    Get just as vivid with your motivations. Think of every little thing that's progress that you want to do, be, etc.

    It took me 6 months with zero dietary progress of digging in deep to my brain to even START working through this.

    But it can be done. Keep fighting, don't give up.

    Honestly, I couldn't even have GS cookies in the house - and my daughter SOLD them! I spent SOOO much money that year... Now, they realistically aren't even a temptation. I find things I CAN do in place of them, and certain things just don't taste good enough to be a substitute. Once you change your taste buds up, most of the things that were drool worthy before won't even taste good to you later... It's an ongoing battle, but you can win the WAR!!!
  • annie422
    annie422 Posts: 114 Member
    I've been sneaking the kids Easter candy every day. A little less every day but still every day. yesterday I asked my husband to "put it away" just to get it out of my sight b/c it was just sitting on the counter. He forgot and I dug in last night too. This morning when I came down to breakfast it was out of sight and I felt so relieved. We even have left over Valentines candy in the cabinet which has a glass door. I can see it easily, but for some reason when it's put away it's so much easier for me to resist it. I won't go search for it but if it's sitting open on the counter, forget it, every time I walk by I grab some. :neutral:
  • DananaNanas
    DananaNanas Posts: 665 Member
    My boyfriend and I are both ketoing and we did so good at Easter dinner. Avoided the candy. Drank keto-friendly beverages.

    We leave his parents' house and decide to go to the ice cream place :p lol I was only up .3 the next day so no regrets on my part. It had opened for the season like a month prior and we had just been avoiding it. Got my fix for awhile :)

    My birthday is in the middle of April and we're planning on a cheat day then, I hid those robin's eggs and reese eggs and I'm saving them!!! Rough week though, I came pretty close to busting them open.
  • carsonheim
    carsonheim Posts: 79 Member
    Danana- why not make some Keto-friendly treats instead for your birthday? There are so many amazing cakes, cookies, etc that are absolutely YUMMY and don't have the damaging effects on your body that sugar does. One of my favorite resources is the Cooking Keto with Kristie YouTube channel. Do you like cooking?
  • wishfullthinking79
    wishfullthinking79 Posts: 322 Member
    I wish just putting it out of sight worked for me. It does prevent me from getting to it in the middle of the night but it does nothing for me when I am awake. I just want to start slowly throwing it in the trash. uugghh!!
  • DananaNanas
    DananaNanas Posts: 665 Member
    carsonheim wrote: »
    Danana- why not make some Keto-friendly treats instead for your birthday? There are so many amazing cakes, cookies, etc that are absolutely YUMMY and don't have the damaging effects on your body that sugar does. One of my favorite resources is the Cooking Keto with Kristie YouTube channel. Do you like cooking?

    I'll have to check out her channel! THanks for the advice. I like cooking but all of my baking creations have NOT turned out well on keto (granted, not that many attempts were made. I imagine it's a "practice makes perfect" situation... and a combination of investing in expensive ingredients which I have been working on).