Looking for an almost-real-life-friend

Hi! I was wondering if anyone wanted to be my friend/ motivator/ keep my honest...er. In 76 days I am leaving my job in South Korea, traveling for a few weeks, and then starting all over in Seattle. I'm looking for someone to be my buddy day by day, someone to text pictures to, to annoy with hunger grumbles, and to tell me I'm doing a good job.
I am 32, 5'6" and 134 lbs, realllllly hoping to get down to 125 by June. Is that realistic?
Will you be my online gym buddy?


  • curtainpuller
    curtainpuller Posts: 8 Member
    Hey! Our goals sound really similar. I'm 5'4" and 137 and my goal weight is 125 by June. You can friend me :)