Planetfall book- Scifi+hoarding impulse- great combo in an unusual story

KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
Most engaging stories have a flawed hero ( Americans love an underdog, or a person overcoming a disability of some kind..this beautiful encompasses both, plus loads of secrets you can't guess)

…We learn that a brilliant, clever science chick is also hiding a secret, it's shameful and paralyzing to her--hoarding of other's trash-- instead of recycling as EVERYONE does on this new planet they colonized.

Beautifully told, engaging, the author ticks off the behaviors so perfect it feels real, and of course there are reasons why the character does this. Absolutely absorbing story, if you enjoy modern scifi..lots of science mixed with "3D printers" that produce everything from scrambled eggs to climbing gear and medicine. a fast read.

Emma Newman is the author, I will look for her other books, very talented!