What are you reading currently?
Whatcha reading? How do you like it? Would you recommend it? I am currently reading Enigma by Robert Harris, The Paris Wife by Paula McLain, The Strangers on Montagu Street by Karen White and Doctor Zhivago by Boris Pasternak. That's a little insane for me! I started Dr. Z, but am plodding through very slowly and needed…
Why does reading and drinking tea seem to go together naturally?
I'm not sure if it is the focusing effect of caffeine, so I can get more enjoyment out of a book, but to me tea drinking and reading go hand in hand. I drink coffee in the morning to wake up quickly, but in the evening a cup of mild or non-caffeinated herbal tea with my book goes a long way too. In the afternoons I like…
Daily and Yearly Reading Goals ... what's yours?
Hi folks, and Happy Holidays. I am new both to this group and MFP. I am 55 years old and a seafood lover; avid walker (with our dog) and kayaker. I'm a health care professional and consider myself healthy and in reasonably good shape, BUT can lose 50 pounds and be much healthier for it. Trying to adopt a healthier…
I LOVE this!
A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. "Winter Street" - Elin Hilderbrand I. J. K. L. "Something Wilder" - Christina Lauren M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U. V. W. X. Y. Z.
*Not sure if I m replying to the community. Currently reading:
I m almost finished The Glass Forest by Cynthia Swanson. I d rate it a 3/5. The title reminded me of another book I read years ago called The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls. I loved that one, and would give it a 5/5!
B&N Book Haul?
I had an email from B&N about 1/2 price hardcovers, so I browsed. Bad idea. So many great new releases, at great prices. I decided to check Amazon since I have a Prime membership, they are matching prices! Ok, so I have tsundoku, in Japanese 積ん読, which is acquiring reading materials but letting them pile up in one's home…
New to group- any UK readers?
As a US author I have several free Ebook download codes for my book, “Citizen Soldier” and have not used the UK only codes. Glad to give to the first 12 people who request.
Authors A to Z Challenge
In case anyone wants to join me in my yearly challenge to read one author from every letter of the alphabet Here's a simple tracking method from a team I was a part of on SparkPeople. Pretty simple really. We used to allow use of first or last name for difficult to find letters like X or Q. Just copy your last post to add…
Special Edition Books
Although I do most of my reading on the Kindle these days I do see some beautiful special edition books on Booktube and Instagram. Sprayed edges, inlaid covers, interior artwork and maps, etc. is anyone a special edition collector and have insight into how one can get in on releases?
What to do with piles of already read books?
What do you do with your piles of books when you are finished reading them? I'm having a space problem. Seven full bankers boxes of already read books, I have no idea what to do with. I had a yard sale by the road @ 25 cents per book and made a few dollars, but what genres sold and which books baffled me. I mean, why buy…