1200 calories/day as a college student?

graciiekim Posts: 72 Member
Hi everyone! I'm an 18 years old student in college looking to shed a bit of the dreadful "freshman 15". Maintaining a low-cal diet is pretty damn hard, so if any other college girls out there are following a 1200 cal/day plan, add me so we can support each other!


  • shadesofwhey
    shadesofwhey Posts: 3 Member
    edited March 2016
    Hi I am in university and study law. I have to study all the time and keeping low cal is..... hard. What works for me for now is just to stick to 1200 cal, minimum workouts and 100% clean food. Working out makes me hungrier. Sitting all day and eating small amounts of great (I mean get a cookbook) food and repeating that cutting calories improves memory helps me stick to it.
  • Kullerva
    Kullerva Posts: 1,114 Member
    I escaped from MU in Milwaukee (thank God!) after fluctuating +/- 20 lbs over 2 years. What finally got the weight off for me was cooking and preparing all of my own meals. Campus food sucked (nutritionally and taste-wise) and it was great to be free of it. Since you've got a fairly low calorie budget, eating mainly whole foods isn't a bad idea--it'll keep you full longer. I don't, however, recommend cutting *anything* or making *anything* forbidden. If you don't eat the way you want to eat within your calorie budget, then when you go off the "diet" the weight will come back.
  • isobel_may
    isobel_may Posts: 1 Member
    I'm on a 1,200-calorie diet while at college as well! I've got 9 pounds to go to my goal weight. I was 2 pounds off my goal this time 4 months ago and then vacations, holidays and Easter happened! :s But I'm focussed again on getting there, and I could use some support too! :)
  • wishfullthinking79
    wishfullthinking79 Posts: 322 Member
    Hi there-- I am a full time college student, an intern and a mother to a 10 year old boy. I know exctly how it is to be super busy all the time with school and kiddo. I am on a 1100 calorie lchf diet. I am real close to my goal weight. I have 3 pounds to go. I suspect these will be the hardest to lose. Add me if you would like.