Under 100 days, gotta get in gear!



  • MsMarlaJean
    MsMarlaJean Posts: 1,741 Member
    Yikes sorry to hear about the hip! WOW :open_mouth: 8 days! HOW EXCITING!!!

    Thanks about the Pic...I love how they turned out!

    28 days?!?! Woo-HOO! @brisingr86 I'm so anxious to see your pics too!
  • brisingr86
    brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
    Licensed to wed! Fiance and I went and got our marriage license this morning. Getting more real every day. Meeting with venue tonight to work on menu and finalize some details. Just in case, Best wishes to @Rhiannon0816 this weekend. Hope everything goes smoothly!

    It's funny, my fiance is probably more on top of the count down than I am.
  • Fitforevermore
    Fitforevermore Posts: 399 Member
    Wishing you all the best for the BIG DAY! Enjoy every moment
  • MsMarlaJean
    MsMarlaJean Posts: 1,741 Member
    WOO-HOO @brisingr86 ! I :heart: that "Licensed to Wed" may have to use it! :wink:

    Best Wishes to @Rhiannon0816 hope to see pics of your big day!

    I think at 64 days to the wedding I am finally at the beginning stages of stressing myself out! :lol: not so much about wedding stuff but all of the sudden out of nowhere we are in the process of buying a house! :open_mouth: We were going to wait a couple years before doing this, but the perfect situation came up and we are getting a SMOKIN' deal on a small 3 bedroom...so on top of everything else! AHHHH! :joy:

    In other under 100 day stuff I had to reschedule makeup trial because one of my Bridesmaids is sick, I'm meeting with my sound technician/Bridesman at reception venue on Monday to go over layout diagram and some sound stuff, flying to Seattle to go shopping with my Jr. bridesmaid to find a dress on the 28th and I think we'll work on dying my dress skirt in August. :mrgreen:

    Like @fitfor30th I am sending Great wishes for those BIG DAYS coming up soon!
  • MsMarlaJean
    MsMarlaJean Posts: 1,741 Member
    8 weeks left...OMGoodness! :open_mouth:
  • brisingr86
    brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
    It will fly by. You can do it. How's the house stuff and meetings going?
    Two weeks from tomorrow for me. :o:worried:
  • MsMarlaJean
    MsMarlaJean Posts: 1,741 Member
    Ugh. Today I weighed in and am back up to 168 :bawling:

    I have 7 weeks (and a couple days, but basically 7 weeks) until the wedding...this is NOT good. :confounded:

    I haven't tried on my dress again since the end of May and I'm concerned. I am hoping that I can drop at least 10 pounds over the next 5-6 weeks when I will need to try on the dress and make any last minute alterations. :flushed:

    As of Monday I am doing ok on eating, but have YET to get in a really good Sweaty Heavy Breathing workout! I need to get on it for sure! I'm laying out a workout schedule that will start out intense but short and give myself until the weekend to get back into the groove and then I'm gonna start ramping up the workouts.

    I'm also gonna start PRE-planning my menus a week at a time and STICK TO IT!
    (I will allow one "Possible" departure on my birthday-8/3 where I may indulge in a cocktail or two and a piece of pie...I haven't decided yet.)

    I know that this is QUITE the departure from my usual way of doing things low and slow, but apparently that hasn't worked over the last year and a half...so I'm gonna resort to desperate measures :lol: This is it MFPalz! CRUNCH TIME! :triumph:
  • Fitforevermore
    Fitforevermore Posts: 399 Member
    I hear you Marla, I'm back at 168 too after a big food break following the wedding, and also now buying, selling and moving houses! Stress! And a job interview, and finding new schools for the children!

    We have a holiday booked for the 11th of August, I'm actually hoping to get back down to at least 160 by then, as a lot of this weight went on easy, so should come off easy!! Being strict everyday now, 10,000 steps, 1500 Cals, and at least20 mins kettle bells or gym! But can't lly get to the gym now as the kids are on summer break.
  • brisingr86
    brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
    Uh oh! Marla Jean, you can definitely get the weight back down. You do have time. 10 lbs in 5-6 weeks is aggressive, but not totally unachievable, especially if some of that weight is more water weight from poor eating (you definitely need to enjoy your birthday, though; also, our birthdays are only 2 days apart! :o Mine's on the 1st. ) Be aggressive, but also make sure that you're not going to hurt yourself long term. Ramp up workouts and stick to meal plans in a healthy way that won't hurt you physically or starve yourself (listen to your body). You CAN do this and you will be a gorgeous bride because you're a gorgeous person.

    The problem I'm at now is I want to go to the gym and do strength to tone up arms, but I feel like there's so much to do, I don't have time to go to the gym. My fiance and I said we weren't doing wedding gifts to each other, but I'm kind of violating because I had a really cool idea (I thought) to write him a book/journal with at least 1 entry/week for our first year of marriage with reflections on our relationship, thoughts on how much I love him, etc. that he can read, particularly when I'm having my b!#@&* times and am less than a loving wife to remind him that I still love him and think the world of him. I may have bitten off more than I can chew this close to the wedding, especially since I can't work on it when he's home, but I still really like it so trying to get as far as I can; if necessary, I'll get a couple months and borrow it after the wedding to finish. Other details are little things like thank you notes for all the people helping with the ceremony, parents, bridesmaids and getting gifts together, confirming details with vendors. Talk about crunch time. I'm doing as much with calorie restriction as I can to keep weight in check (I haven't seen my dress since January and did that fitting after a week of holiday eating so I'm actually still down almost 10 lbs from where I was); I would really like to be under 150 for the wedding. I was at 152 this morning.

    Jools, good luck with the interview and the house moving! Definitely stress, but hopefully it will get better soon. Good luck getting that weight back down before your holiday, but definitely enjoy it either way. When does school start back up for the kids? Keep up the great work on your steps and workouts and sticking to your calorie goals. You got this!
  • PenguinGirl1234
    PenguinGirl1234 Posts: 16 Member
    Something that has worked for me in the past (and I plan on restarting soon - I was taking a break after a surgery) is intermittent fasting. More specifically, what is called the 5:2 diet. The premise is that you eat about 500 calories (1/4 of your caloric intake) two days a week (any two days, can be back to back or spread out) and you eat your normal body's caloric amount on the others. I dropped weight so quickly doing this! The best part is that it keeps your metabolism running, so you won't hit the plateau or slowdown you will in normal calorie cutting. It also feels much more sustainable because you can eat regularly on the non-fasting days.

    All my life I was an athlete and had it embedded in me that skipping breakfast or meals is a bad thing. I would be frightened of feeling hungry, because I thought my body would then slow down and hold onto whatever I gave it as fat (starvation mode). As it turns out, that was a bunch of bogus. Allowing your digestive system time to "rest" is actually a good thing! I lost a lot of fat on 5:2 while keeping my muscle (many weight lifters have started IF diets). I was in the best health and energy of my life while doing the 5:2 (I followed it for about a year). I've since put on a few pounds, and now that I've got a dress fitting in the future I'm trying to get back on the bandwagon!

    Just thought I'd share in case this was helpful or of interest to anyone else!
  • brisingr86
    brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
    I'm on and off with a 5:2/16:8 combo IF regimen since the end of January; helped me get the holiday weight off and control some calories a bit better. Less feasible with family commitments at the moment, but hoping after the wedding to maybe get back into it. The Intermittent Fasting group has a lot of great info/links with some really knowledgeable folks.
  • MsMarlaJean
    MsMarlaJean Posts: 1,741 Member
    I like the sounds of the 5:2 and might give that a whirl, what is the 16:8 Intermittent fasting look like?

    I am getting at least a hour of cardio in everyday lately and it's also doing WONDERS for my stress levels with TOO much going on these days.


    I am also traveling to Seattle on Thursday for one more weekend to find a dress for our Jr. Bridesmaid and maybe get some shopping done for the new house and the wedding...UGH! :open_mouth:

    Sent in for our Marriage Commissioner's appointment and collecting information for our marriage license (my fiancé was married once before and he can't remember the day he and his first wife got married), also rescheduled a make-up trial for August 3rd which is my 45th birthday and also getting my hair colored so we'll play with some bridal hair ideas so long story short we decided to turn it into a b-day, bachelorette, make-up trial Galz Party at the New EMPTY house :lol:

    Also meeting with the caterer August 7th to go over food for the Welcome/Rehearsal dinner AND the cocktail reception...THINGS are moving right along!
  • RhiannonBecks
    RhiannonBecks Posts: 189 Member

    Our wedding day, just a quick shot from my friend...anxiously waiting for our professional pictures to come back! The day went by SO fast, people aren't kidding when they tell you! It was everything I could have EVER dreamed of tho! All of the planning was totally worth it!

    Cant' wait to catch up with everyone and see how everything is going!!!

    --The NEW Mrs. Culp! <3
  • Fitforevermore
    Fitforevermore Posts: 399 Member
  • brisingr86
    brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
    Marla Jean, the 16:8 is when you fast for 16 hours (I usually do either 8pm-noon the next day or 10pm-2PM the next day) and eat all your calories in an 8 hour window (i.e., 12-8pm, or 2-10pm, or 10am-6pm; most people find it easier to skip breakfast and have later eating windows than eat earlier and then stop). Sounds like wedding stuff is coming along wonderfully. Hope the house closing went smoothly so you were able to enjoy the trip to Seattle (and no issues with the trip).

    Rhiannon, the pic of you and the hubby is lovely; you look gorgeous.

    Everything went ok for my weekend. Lots of compliments on how beautiful the ceremony was and everyone reportedly had a great time at the reception. It definitely did fly by! I'll post pics soon.
  • MsMarlaJean
    MsMarlaJean Posts: 1,741 Member
    @brisingr86 Can't wait for pictures! Thanks for the 16:8 break down...I may try a week of each starting with the 5:2 this week an then the 16:8 next week to see which works best for me.

    @Rhiannon0816 that is a GORGEOUS picture of you two! Stunning for sure!