April 2016 GOOOOALS

FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
edited April 2016 in Social Groups


  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member

    Once again, I need to set some good goals for April and DO IT. DH will be back 14th. Trying to talk him into going to gym in the mornings after school drop-off so we can go together and maybe he can help get me back into it. He usually goes to the office and just hangs out, since it's so early. I have a feeling he will like how slow the gym is in the morning, compared to evenings when he usually went.

    Back with goals after I've put some thought into it.
  • Aprilfoolbride
    Aprilfoolbride Posts: 552 Member
    Here are my April goals:
    1. Eat produce with every meal and snack
    2. Actually log all food
    3. Bonus points for pre-logging
    4. Move booty at least every other day
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    Some form of exercise daily no matter how long.

    No snacking after dinner.
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Decided to set three goals for myself this month:
    1. Get at least 7 hours of sleep, 6 nights a week. I was starting to get into the bad habit of trying to go on less sleep when things got busy...which was almost all this time. Not good for my health...mental or otherwise. So trying to make this more of a priority. My reward: Guilt free naps on nights when I don't get enough sleep!
    2. Talk with my hubby once a week about how our training the previous week went. We're going to try to be accountability partners. Mainly, once a week that we have a conversation dedicated solely to our training the previous week. Hopefully, this will deter me from skipping training hours for frivolous reasons. Reward: I get a frilly beverage of my choosing while we talk.
    3. Not eat anything an hour before bed. I've found it easier to control snacking if I allow myself whatever snacks I want...but they can't be right before bed. Which is when I usually want to snack. Reward: a small frivolous buy...like a song of iTunes or something like that.