So, what's your game plan?

thehoss316 Posts: 125 Member
Given that this is a "challenge" group, everyone should have some exercise/diet plan/goals in place. This may be ANYTHING...home-based workouts, Crossfit, a yoga/pilates/barre studio, or even just the home treadmill/elliptical.

So, what will you be doing, and what do you hope to gain from this?

If you've been following me, you know I'm in the middle of a P90X2 round. This may be my favorite home program. However, I will be starting The Master's Hammer and Chisel sometime, just not sure if I'll cut this round of X2 short to do so.

My diet goals...have faith in knowing that I can eat more than I'm allowing myself. Funny...when I rigorously track food and cut calories...weight loss stalls, and at times, I even gain. When I lost the most weight, I did not measure food. I ate SMART, but I ate good foods at a slow, controlled pace, and I stayed reasonably active the entire time. Plus, this included good nights of cheat meals of pizza and beer.

I must not be stubborn in remembering that this is a process, not some strict Calories In Calories Out formula that is perfect and fail proof.


  • maasha81
    maasha81 Posts: 733 Member
    I just got Tony Horton's hard corps 22 program so this is what I intend to start from Monday. Since it is only 22 mins I may incorporate additional workouts from maybe the 2nd week as I need to pace myself. If I do, it would be a mix of beast or p90x3 strength sessions for sure. My exercise regime is what I really need that push on so I do plan hold my accountable to this group. :wink:

    As for diet, I am in maintenance mode but lately I have been in the upper range of my weight range - I allow myself 5lb range. I have decided to have a small deficit just for a couple weeks and monitor. I don't religiously count calories and weigh foods as much anymore unless I can't eyeball my portion size but usually when I want to lose, I tend to monitor my simple carb intake (flour, pasta, sugar). I do have PCOS so low carb is the recommended route for me. Primarily I do count cals though.
  • jaymers9709
    jaymers9709 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm going to concentrate on movement and at home exercises ( i have PIYO videos), and plan on walking either outside or on treadmill.
    what do i hope to gain? I hope to formulate the habit of daily exercise. I know it takes 30 days or 30 times to make something into a habit, so a challenge like this will be a good way for me to track and progress into habitual and necessary exercise.
  • nicjbar73
    nicjbar73 Posts: 47 Member
    im going to continue my weightlifting 5days a week with10k steps daily. adding in my gardening& my tire flipping for this challenge!
  • LaurenNotLaura
    LaurenNotLaura Posts: 64 Member
    I am planning to learn more about proper strength training. I am working at a fitness club now (hello free membership and becoming friends with personal trainers
  • kristieshannon
    kristieshannon Posts: 160 Member
    Thanks for opening this up & posting about it! I'm working towards walking a 1/2 marathon that I've registered for. It happens in September. I get in my 10,000 steps each day, and twice a week am doing progressively longer walks. Today was the longest yet at 8 miles. In addition to upping my exercise, I'm committed to weighing, measuring, and logging my food and making healthy choices.
  • Safetysuitgirl
    Safetysuitgirl Posts: 26 Member
    As of right now my game plan is to log everything I eat and start a workout routine and just finding a schedule that works for me and hopefully with the support of my friends on here they can help!!!
  • singletrackmtbr
    singletrackmtbr Posts: 644 Member
    edited April 2016
    I've worked out in just about every way possible. Weight training, triathlons, spinning, yoga and pilates, races, Plyo, etc. I always got bored, and often didn't have defined goals, so I would always fall off my routine, sometimes for months at a time before shaming myself into starting over.

    I did P90X and I think the workouts are great but I find DVD workouts to be very repetitive, so I have a hard time staying on board.

    About 4 years ago I had a conversation with one of the fittest guys I know during a mountain bike ride. Through him I discovered Athlean X, an online portal created by Jeff Cavaliere, a physical therapist and former head trainer for the New York Mets. There are several programs, including my favorite, called NXT. This is an 18 month program with a different theme and focus every month, and a challenge at the end of the month to objectively gauge progress. Jeff pays a lot of attention to injury prevention, which I really appreciate as a 45 year old.

    I mix in cardio every other day in the form of a mountain bike ride or Insanity workout. Doing it this way it will take me 3 years to finish the program, with a unique strength workout every time!

    Now that I've solved the boredom problem, I'm in better shape than ever, but I wanted more. I only recently started paying attention to the importance of nutrition (hence here I am).

    My goal long term is to get to my fighting weight and shed 10 percent BF along the way. For this month I'd like to lose 4 more pounds and 2 percent BF. I also hope to help others who might be struggling more than I am. I believe in all of you! Good luck to all.
  • Yisrael1981
    Yisrael1981 Posts: 132 Member
    My current goal is maintenance of my weight. I currently make healthy real food choices for the most part. I do give myself from time to time refeed days to compensate if I start to lose weight and then I will have treats however for the most part I stay away from that stuff as it's just addictive and I usually don't stop eating once I start.
    I am constantly working on developing a better relationship with food
    My fitness plan is to start to seriously lift.I will probably be doing 5x5. I have done many beachbody programs and have a decent fitness level .
    My long term goals is to have all around fitness meaning strength, cardio, and function/stability.
    Maybe one day I'll compete in one of those Spartan marathons
  • carolineb81
    carolineb81 Posts: 459 Member
    Month 2 of insanity is my plan, next week is recovery week so I will be starting month 2 on 11th. Also, Im about to finish whole 30 and I want to keep eating clean and not go back to bad habits
  • AverageJoeFit
    AverageJoeFit Posts: 251 Member
    I am also in maintenance mode. I'm am currently trying to recomp. It is tough and after my birthday the scale has gone up to my upper limit. So this week I am cutting out 500 calories for three days in order to get away from that limit.

    I am currently neck deep in a Insanity/p90x combo workout. I am doing month 2 of Insanity and am rotating p90x. I am struggling with the fact that the scale doesn't move much and my body doesn't seem to be changing, but I'm sure it is. Recomp isn't nearly as mentally satisfying as loseing weight :-(
  • BoomstickChik
    BoomstickChik Posts: 149 Member
    I want to commit to doing yoga every day for at least 30 minutes and to take my kickboxing class every time I am able (1x one week 2x the next week due to scheduling).

    I think for the purpose of this challenge, besides sticking to my calorie goals, I am going to eliminate processed sugars from my diet.

    I also am stubborn, and everyone has ingrained in me that it's as simple as calories in vs out, but I have to remember, for some, like myself, with multiple autoimmune diseases, it's NOT that simple and pushing myself too hard will send me backwards, as I'm currently dealing with.
  • maasha81
    maasha81 Posts: 733 Member
    Loomisj72 wrote: »
    I am also in maintenance mode. I'm am currently trying to recomp. It is tough and after my birthday the scale has gone up to my upper limit. So this week I am cutting out 500 calories for three days in order to get away from that limit.

    I am currently neck deep in a Insanity/p90x combo workout. I am doing month 2 of Insanity and am rotating p90x. I am struggling with the fact that the scale doesn't move much and my body doesn't seem to be changing, but I'm sure it is. Recomp isn't nearly as mentally satisfying as loseing weight :-(

    Recomp is slow and benefits are not immediate but I am not confident in bulk / cut cycles and being able to do that properly. Are you measuring inches as well. P90x / insanity hybrid is tough and I'm sure you may have some water retention in there too. Best wishes
  • JGertch
    JGertch Posts: 13 Member
    I just want to eat a little healthier during the week, stay within my calorie goal & stay active. Carb blockers & digestive enzymes are a must. I will be fine if I keep this up, it's just a matter of doing it & staying consistent.
  • Dana_E
    Dana_E Posts: 158 Member
    I'll be starting my fourth week of P90X3. I plan on tightening up my diet. Hoping to lose another 10 pounds or so. But with only 40 pounds to goal weight, that might be too ambitious, and I'm okay if I don't hit goal. Also, I'd like to go from a size 16 to a size 14 by the end of the challenge.
  • JeffFit70
    JeffFit70 Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks for the time and effort in getting the challenge group going!

    My game plan is to continue what I have been doing which is... Developing better eating habits, logging, lifting weights, walking, more yoga/mobility, and to drop these last 10 lbs or so.
  • nicolemarie999
    nicolemarie999 Posts: 91 Member
    My plan is to run at least 60 miles this month, continue with PIYO, strength training and Insanity workouts here and there. My main focus this month is cleaning up my diet. I eat way to much sugar! I hope to lose 1 lb per week this month.
  • sprale
    sprale Posts: 117 Member
    My goal is to do cardio kickboxing (Turbo Jam or Turbo Fire) a minimum of 3 times a week, walk at least twice a week, and do strength training at least once a week.

    My other goal is to log everything I eat, make my calorie goal each week, and drink a glass of water before deciding if I need a snack.
  • amphilion
    amphilion Posts: 89 Member
    My game plan, to continue my new work out plan that my trainer has done for me last Tuesday. I want to lose 25lbs of fat body mass, since March 18 I have lost 9, so on my way. When the biking path are open in Montréal, my road bike will also be part of my game plan.

    To continue logging in all of the food and drinks that I consume, as well as logging in all my work outs.

    I want to buy a new sports Watch, I used to have the Misfit, but has been thrown in the garbage since it was actual crap. Will be in the works in the next days.

    Good luck to all, and lets keep motivating each other!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    I have real motivation to get the weight off, my oldest daughter is getting married Aug 2017. I am in the second phase, week 3 of Body Beast and loving this program. I do my workouts in the morning and after work. I'm planning on doing 22 Minute Hardcore in the mornings, and then the Body Beast workouts after work. Will be tracking my calories, my workouts and hopefully getting that needed body fat loss!

    Good luck everyone!
  • RoseTheWarrior
    RoseTheWarrior Posts: 2,035 Member
    My goal is to steadily work out 6 days per week, 4 days at home, 3 at the gym. Continue to log my food daily. Be consistent in both fitness and diet. What I'm doing is working, so just have to keep on keepin' on.