When you are trying to eat properly you should not put a label on it. As soon as you put a label and name it "Diet" your mindset is that of getting pumped to accomplish the specific goal of losing weight.

With that mind set, sure you are going to do whatever it takes to accomplish that goal but, What happens once you accomplish your goal? Well, the mind set changes. In your mind you'll think that now that you accomplish your goal you don't have to continue doing what you were doing to get to the place you wanted to be. With the happiness achieving set goals gives, you'll say to yourself, ok, I worked so hard at it, now it's time to take a break however, you have to realize that there is not such thing as taking a break or stop doing what you were doing when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle.

As the word implies, living a healthy lifestyle means that you have to do things in a daily basis and make them a way of life and not just a short-term goal to accomplish. Food directly influence the way you feel. Food stimulates hormones that releases "feel good" chemicals" If you are depressed you have to eat in a way that stimulate those hormones to be released and help you stay balanced.

You need to empower your body so it helps you. Feeling good and happy is not determined by external factors only otherwise, third world countries people would be the unhappiest and they are not. So, let's change the mind set. When it comes to eating properly, look at it as the way to help yourself stay healthy. You have to make a choice every time you eat. You either empower your body to help you feel good or you just indulge yourself.