New to Keto - No Appetite!

I need advice. I am very new to keto - less than 2 weeks. I noticed from day one that I was not hungry or suffering from cravings for carby foods - which was an amazing feeling. However, I am slightly concerned that I really don't feel hungry any more. I wake up with no interest in food, but usually have something around 10 am - keeping it light, then I wonder if I should actually eat lunch as I am not hungry, tend to just have a snack around 2pm. Then dinner time comes around and I can see my family all want food but to be honest I am not hungry. Is this normal - I feel like I am eating too little calories, I worry that I could slip into an eating disorder as I just never seem to feel hungry.

I read the advice to only eat when you are hungry but what do you do if you keep checking and you are not ever hungry?


  • ettaterrell
    ettaterrell Posts: 887 Member
    I agree eat when your hungry to limits... At first I had "eating times" set and I ate at every meal... But.... I also put my foods in my diary the day before so I knew what I needed to get to keep me in my macro range... After logging everything you are gonna have review the macros and adjust foods to get you in the right range of macros. (What are your cals and macros set at??) And eat what you set up to eat at the times you put to eat them.
    I don't eat breakfast just have my 2 cups of BPC but always weigh what I have set for the days meals and always eat with in 1 he of the time frame I set.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    @GreenMum2016 the first 90 days was just plain weird for me on Keto. Going on Keto or fasting is different at first for the body as we become fat adapted. I think you will get your appetite soon but you are there so act as you think best. I was 63 with failing health when I accidently when Keto because I left sugar and all grains cold turkey trying to avoid starting Enbrel injections for pain management. Keto has been awesome for me for the past 18 months.

    Welcome to MFP forums.
  • paulasymingtonmfp
    paulasymingtonmfp Posts: 38 Member
    When eating low carb I don't have no set meal times nether do I put food into categories . I tend to eat when I'm hungry usually about 1 pm and again between 6-7 pm . I think you will find its quite normal for people to not have set meal times when eating low carb .
  • LowCarbInScotland
    LowCarbInScotland Posts: 1,027 Member
    When eating low carb I don't have no set meal times nether do I put food into categories . I tend to eat when I'm hungry usually about 1 pm and again between 6-7 pm . I think you will find its quite normal for people to not have set meal times when eating low carb .

    Definitely, I eat at very different times now than I did before. I eat breakfast around 8-9 am, lunch at about 2pm, and dinner around 8-9 pm. Needless to say, I'm not doing IF as I have a wide eating window, but it has prevented my mindless eating at night, of course the reduced appetite and cravings also help a lot.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    The unhungryness (word? Is for me!) is so different from what you have grown accustomed to. We (I did) spend so many years starving to death on every diet we've ever tried. When we experience not being hungry, it can be strange! Normally, it doesn't last to the point of being in such a deficit on a daily basis. In my experience, the hungrier days even out with the unhungry days, and aren't a problem.

    Welcome to what ketosis is all about!
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    edited April 2016
    Well, it seems like you continue to eat on a predictable schedule... Have you tried not doing that? I mean, you eat at 10, snack at 2 and at least a little dinner, right? You're body has food stored away... It's using that. And you're eating when you're not hungry... You're never going to feel hungry that way.
    Just eat when you get hungry. You WILL get hungry. You may not be starving like back in the sugar burning days. Hunger won't feel the same as before... But you'll feel it. In time, that tends to level off and you'll have days when you're hungry quite often all day. On those day, also eat when you're hungry even if it's more than your goal. In the mean time, your body knows that energy is readily available and doing what it's supposed to by using it and not sending you to the fridge. But it will.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    It's kind of funny isn't it? I would just go with it unless you find you are severely undereating many days in a row.

    I tend to just go with my hunger. Some days I would eat 1000 kcals, or even fast so it was under 500kcals, and other hungry days I would be over 2000kcals. It all seemed to even out in the end and made a nice steady weight loss.

    My appetite increased slightly as I got near my goal weight, but I am still eating to hunger cues and not just because I should.

    Welcome to the group. :)
  • GreenMum2016
    GreenMum2016 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you all for the helpful comments, feel much less anxious now. I think I just need to relax into the process and be more flexible. I kinda miss eating meals with my family though and will try and find a pattern that allows me to be eating something with them at dinner time at least.

    Lots of members seem to only eat 2 main meals a day so I will try this - either skipping breakfast or lunch and I think that will give me the right level of hunger for dinner time.
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    I'd try to eat at dinner, then see when you actually get hungry the next day. There are also people who only eat one big meal at the end of the day, or who eat snacks (cheese stick, hard boiled egg, pickle, etc.) to take the edge off, then a big meal.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I'll often sit and have a bowl of broth with my family if I don't feel like eating. Just to be social.

    Other times I hide for 15 minutes with a book, hoping that for just 15 minutes I won't hear, "Mom? Moooooooom? Mom? Can I...?"