Starting Point...

thehoss316 Posts: 125 Member
edited November 30 in Social Groups
All -

For those willing, given that this is a "challenge" where you strive toward a goal, we should probably have a thread where we "report" our starting points. I'm thinking this can be anything from Before Pics, a statement I(e.g., "I weigh X", "my body fat % is X", "I will stay under Y calories daily"), or both.

I'm voting to having one thread and leaving what you post be up to you. I'll likely do a before pic. I'm testing with increased calories as a "refeed" stage to just see what happens, so my expectation is that mine won't be pretty...

Thoughts on how to best proceed?


  • amphilion
    amphilion Posts: 89 Member
    I like the suggestion of ( 1 weigh X, body fat % is X or body fat weight is x, Calories is Y) with the before and after pics
  • nicolemarie999
    nicolemarie999 Posts: 91 Member
    edited April 2016
    I have no idea what my body fat is and don't trust the bioimpediance scales. I can post weight and measurements. Maybe pics. I think stating goals is a good idea whether it be weight loss, calorie deficit goals, inches to lose, etc....
  • Weights4me
    Weights4me Posts: 43 Member
    I agree with nicolemarie999... Body fat % is so subjective. Weight, measurements and perhaps % of body weight lost would be good. Pics optional :)-
  • HotMermaid729
    HotMermaid729 Posts: 806 Member
    I'm just going with weight. I'm at 175, I've been hovering thereally for a while and it is pissing me off. All my own fault, of course. But, here I am, all the same. B)
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