JM with HR Watch

ModelMomMD Posts: 14 Member
Hey Everybody,

I haven't done a JM dvd in awhile, because I'm afraid that it won't give me the same burn as Zumba, and in that case I may never go back to JM until I get bored with Zumba! So, I figured I would at least try JM with my new HR watch, just to see the burn difference. However, I feel like I would need to complete 45 minutes to an hour of JM in order to get close to burning 800 calories. But, please don't think I'm in anyway downing JM...I love just seems as if my HR doesn't get as high with her dvds. It's more of a burn in my muscles than an increased HR. So, at any rate we will see tomorrow, I plan on switching it up and trying JM with the HR watch. Hope I'm not disappointed? What type of HR watches do the rest of you have? I have the Polar FT60...and it's AWESOMMMEEEE :)


  • pkrichar
    pkrichar Posts: 228 Member
    I haven't purchased a HR monitor yet. I am interested to hear what the results are with the workout. I know when I've taken my pulse during Body Revolution it had been at the level recommend by my Exercise Physiologist.
  • Leslie1124
    Leslie1124 Posts: 143 Member
    im interested in the results too.