I set my calories at 3,000. Anyone else have it high, and how's it going?

Lynette4321 Posts: 37 Member
I googled how many calories for morbidly obese to lose weight and the website gave me 3,300 for my weight. So I'm going to see how it works. So far so good. I lost a pound yesterday ( no biggie I know). This app wants to give everyone over a certain weight like 2100 calories. If the calorie needs for someone 130lbs is different from the needs of someone 230lbs, then wouldn't the 230lb person need fewer calories than someone 330lbs as well? What do you all think?


  • UG77
    UG77 Posts: 206 Member
    I'm at 2180 calories. I'm 326lbs. Which is 106lbs more than I'd like to be. I don't have any issues with eating within this calorie allotment. The only time I'm hungry enough to eat more than this, are on days when I get 60+ minutes of hard exercise. MFP adjusts for those calories as it wants me to eat them back. I don't even eat them all back since #1, deficit is the point (working as intended) also, I don't weigh everything I eat and I don't trust some of the calorie burn assumptions made by MFP. I flat out halve the calories MFP says I burn while swimming.
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    I imagine every one is different and how much you work out, i sit on my butt a lot, eat about 2100-2200 a day and am losing weight at about 0.5 lbs a week, this makes me happy and i am steady going down!!! In the end what will work for you is what your sticking too!!! :smile: i think its awesome that your actually getting more info from the world and trying to apply it
  • Lynette4321
    Lynette4321 Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks for the replies :). I have it set at 3000 still and I have stayed closer to 2500. I think I like feeling like I could go higher if I want to. I'm losing but of course I always lose quickly when I start out.
  • pnece
    pnece Posts: 179 Member
    For me the key was to find a level that allowed me to lose yet not feel hungry. And yes, I think you're right about calorie needs going down as weight goes down.
  • Cheesy567
    Cheesy567 Posts: 1,186 Member
    I'm following a low-carb diet, and used a website to help determine my basal metabolic rate (i.e. How many calories I burn just being alive in a day) based on height, weight, and estimated body fat percentage. Then they have you enter your activity level, and give you an expected daily energy expenditure based on that. They go on to ask you your target carbs/day, your daily protein goal, and the site figures out how much fat you need to eat to hit your target. You can choose how large the target calorie deficit is.

    I found that the website was more helpful than the MFP goals for me. Because I have a muscle disease that keeps me bed-bound at times, I set my calorie goal to below my BMR so I'd be able to lose weight even during rough times of the disease. With the low-carb diet, my appetite is low, so I tend to eat well below my calorie allotment most days.

    If anyone wants the URL to the site I used, I'll look it up and post it here.