Which Stevia?

I may have a Stevia issue - I don't know which one to use! I'm going to make a no-bake lemon cheesecake that calls for 1.5t Splenda. Any help converting and choosing the right Stevia would be fantastic... thanks in advance!


  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    I'd use the liquid and add slowly, keep tasting it until it's right.
  • KarlynKeto
    KarlynKeto Posts: 323 Member
    The rule of thumb I have read: Stevia is good for non bake only. Use Erythritol or a blend of Erythritol and Stevia when baking. Personally I use Truvia most of the time, baking or not, which is a blend. The large package in your picture looks like it is a blend, so check ingredients.