Has anyone tried Brain Octane (MCT)?

kmn118 Posts: 313 Member
After multiple link clicks with Dr. Dominic D'Agostino giving talks about the benefits of ketogenic diets for a multitude of diseases and conditions, I found a podcast where he recommends Brain Octane, a MCT supplement. Just wondering if anyone has tried it.
This is just one of the many links where he discusses more benefits of ketogenic diets and lifestyles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBefRWM0J-A[/url]


  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    edited April 2016
    No, but the one I use is almost as high in caprylic acid. A little bit cheaper.
    MiCkey T Eight 32oz- BEST MCT OIL ON AMAZON - MADE IN USA- PURE C-8 Caprylic Acid MCT Oil- NOT A BLEND https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00RUCHISS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awd_3uBcxbGTKK6W6
    Brain Octane is 15g this one is 13g
    Using it along with a couple other supplements has made it so that I could reduce my stimulant medication for ADHD.
  • kmn118
    kmn118 Posts: 313 Member
    edited April 2016
    @Sunny_Bunny_ Very nice info... should i start with 1 tsp and work up? Some posters mentioned finishing their BPC with this product on the porcelain throne! :o Edit: The information on MiCkey T Eight leads me to believe it is a superior product to the Brain Octane due to the unblended factor. Thanks again! :)
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    edited April 2016
    I had previously used the same amount of virgin coconut oil before switching to MCT. I had no problem making the switch myself, but it seems to be very individual. Certainly no harm in starting slow, but I just used a whole tablespoon which was how much coconut oil I had previously used.
    You're welcome. That's what community is for. :smile:
    I also appreciated the fact that it's not blended. But I don't really have any good info to support why. Lol
  • ruffneck813
    ruffneck813 Posts: 98 Member
    edited April 2016
    Here are some very interesting articles regarding Virgin coconut oil (VCO) & what they say are marketing ploys of MCT manufacturer's. I started researching to see what kind of MCT oil I wanted to get and ended up reading multiple articles relating to the subject. This is just a sampling of the articles but the gist is that VCO can take a longer adjustment period but has so many additional benefits (anti-bacterial/microbial/viral) because it still has the Lauric Acid included which is lacking in most MCT's or is minimal.
    Another thing I found to be thought provoking: "People want lauric acid for the health benefits, but personal care manufacturers want it too for enhancing the quality of their products." "This is why lauric acid, the hugely beneficial, most healthful fat in coconut oil is removed and sold off for manufacturing purposes to personal care companies." That in itself is enough to make me pause and go, hmmm.
    And if you're going to get a coconut oil this might be a helpful guide:
    I am by no means an expert on any of this and posted this so people could see a different take on a popular item. And I think it probably also depends on what you are trying to use it for or accomplish. But again, I'm a total newbie at this and haven't had a chance to try any of them yet.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Since liquid MCT's almost gag me I am going to order some of the power MCT. I am doing about 5 tablespoons of unrefined coconut oil for the past 1.5 years so I get a lot of MCT's that way.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I use BOTH MCT and coconut oil because I do not want to lose everything that is great about CO. But I DO want the concentrated caprylic acid for my purpose of using it to boost ketones to help ADHD.
    So, I definitely think for someone to use MCT instead of CO, there is a reason. Even if it's just that you need to be able to blend it with s cold drink. But, keeping CO in your daily diet in some manner is a good idea so that you may continue to be fit from it as well.
    I refer to MCT as a supplement. That's how I see it.
  • ruffneck813
    ruffneck813 Posts: 98 Member
    edited April 2016
    @Sunny_Bunny_ I think that's a great way to look at it. I definitely like what I've heard from people on this forum about MCT helping with mental clarity, memory, etc. Lord knows I could use it, lol! I think I am going to do something similar and try both to see how they work for me.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I use BOTH MCT and coconut oil because I do not want to lose everything that is great about CO. But I DO want the concentrated caprylic acid for my purpose of using it to boost ketones to help ADHD.
    So, I definitely think for someone to use MCT instead of CO, there is a reason. Even if it's just that you need to be able to blend it with s cold drink. But, keeping CO in your daily diet in some manner is a good idea so that you may continue to be fit from it as well.
    I refer to MCT as a supplement. That's how I see it.

    Ha! That should've said " to benefit from it". But hopefully you get fit too :wink:
    @Sunny_Bunny_ I think that's a great way to look at it. I definitely like what I've heard from people on this forum about MCT helping with mental clarity, memory, etc. Lord knows I could use it, lol! I think I am going to do something similar and try both to see how they work for me.

    I usually have 2 cups of coffee in the morning and I put my whole dose of MCT in my fist cup with a little ginkgo (and butter). Sometimes I'll put CO in the second cup and skip the MCT and butter. Or I'll find some way to get it later in the day. I also cook with CO.