Can you fool them?

mominstands Posts: 83 Member
I cook at home 80% of the time, for my fiancé and a starving 12 year old boy ( I can't keep him full)

I started eating low carb how do you make low carb meals for the family without them knowing?

They aren't picky and pretty much eat what I make them. I just know if I say hey this is low carb they will rebel against me.

I've seen some Tex Mex casseroles and other things I can pass off and they will never know.

How do you make it work with your family?


  • 60to35
    60to35 Posts: 297 Member
    Low carb Mexican meatloaf. Cheesy, filling, and they'll never know. Lots of good recipes on Pinterest and several keto recipe apps.
  • fuelednfit
    fuelednfit Posts: 177 Member
    I am able to fool them with casseroles and stews but they often end up dipping bread but at least with stews and casserole I don't have to prepare 2 different meals
    Keto Eggplant parmigiano is a good one
  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I don't really make LC meals for my family, per se. I modify what I take (taco night, for example - I usually put the meat and fixins on a bed of lettuce rather than wrapped in a tortilla). I do make a starchy side with meat and veg, I just don't take any. My kids are pretty young, so I still fix their plates, and I do give them larger portions of meat and veg, and less of the starch than I used to, but they still have rice or potatoes or whathaveyou. I do buy whole milk now, rather than skim, and I do encourage lower carb snacks (nuts, full fat cheeses, whole milk yogurt, berries and cream, etc). We've always used real butter, but I am more generous with it now, and I make fattier cuts of meat. I figure as kids they can tolerate more carbs than I can ( they are growing and active) and my husband is an adult so he's not my problem ;). That said I do limit sweets and "junk" foods. Soda is a rare treat, and only on the occassions when we go out to eat (family of six, one income - it's not very often, lol).
  • reeree0406
    reeree0406 Posts: 9 Member
    I found a recipe for lasagna using deli chicken instead of noodles. My bf loved it and asked for seconds. I never told him how it was made.

  • Panda_Poptarts
    Panda_Poptarts Posts: 971 Member
    I stopped making side dishes, other than having a loaf of bread around for those who want it.

    My kids have been modified to the "one treat per day rule", although they absolutely still snack on carbs. I'm not sure how to get a 4 and 6 year old to eat proper LCHF lol.
  • tishball
    tishball Posts: 155 Member
    edited April 2016
    I cook the same for the whole family, but I eat salad or veg at dinner and they eat potatoes, pasta rice with theirs. The menu in this house is always this is dinner and your choice is take it or leave it...... lol. They don't mind though really going keto isn't that different for me just i eat a lot less veg, and none of the fruits and veg the others get. Toast with my eggs, now that I miss. Espically when everyone else is having it. But I will gladly miss the fat that the toast caused.
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    reeree0406 wrote: »
    I found a recipe for lasagna using deli chicken instead of noodles. My bf loved it and asked for seconds. I never told him how it was made.
    I make this recipe a lot it is absolutely fantastic. My kids and hubby gobble it up too
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Just make vegetable sides and not starchy sides. Make some yummy cheese covered broccoli or cauliflower, for example. Have a look at the stuff you can do with spaghetti squash. If they ask, tell them you're experimenting with some new recipe ideas.
  • Kellryn
    Kellryn Posts: 139 Member
    I've been trying new recipes with my sister and nephews. So far everything that has been meat/cheese my sister and youngest nephew have eaten and liked(they are not low carb eaters). My sister does tend to make herself and her youngest a starchy side in addition to what I make. Doesn't bother me, it means more vegetables for me and my oldest nephew!

    Last weekend I made a chicken,bacon,ranch bake and everyone wanted more!
    CMYKRGB Posts: 213 Member
    Cook regular food from scratch that's naturally low carb. Meat, poultry, vegetables, make a salad, you know, normal food.
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    I mean, eventually they're gonna notice the lack of bread, potatoes, rice, fruit, and sugar. It's not really something you can fake if they're not bought in.
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    I don't try to fool them, but I also don't talk about what's different unless I know it's something that will intrigue them (I sometimes ask them afterwards if they noticed anything different, and half the time they don't). It helps that we start with a completely GF kitchen. They don't expect regular lasagna. I told my hubby I was trying an experiment with lasagna this week, similar to what reeree posted with the sliced chicken breast instead of noodles. He basically said fine, as long as it isn't zucchini or squash, and he and the kids can make garlic toast to go with theirs (we have a small non-GF food station set up with a burner, toaster, and microwave).
  • bowlerae
    bowlerae Posts: 555 Member
    You could make spaghetti but make one set of traditional noodles and one set of zoodles for yourself if you wanted. The leg work in spaghetti is the sauce so it should be easy to have two separate batches.