Saying hello

Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
edited April 2016 in Social Groups
Hi everyone! I've just joined; found this group through a topic on the Low Carber Daily Forum.

I'm 38 and have been perimenopausal for about a year - night sweats, insomnia, hormonal upheaval, and since March 2015 I've had 17 periods and they've ranged from 48 days at the longest to 10 days at the least. In the past 3 years I've lost 115 (+/-) pounds and I'm honestly rather terrified of gaining it all back. Given that I'm scheduled for hysterectomy on May 9 this year (partial; I keep ovaries but everything else goes) and so will be forcefully shoved into menopause, I know that will become a real threat.

I am realizing just how little I really know about menopause, how this all is "supposed to" work, and what to expect - and no one in my family can tell me either, as every last woman (at least, on my mom's side) has had hysterectomy rather than doing menopause "naturally;" I kind of feel like I'm about to fulfill my destiny as a Henderson haha... anyway I am asking my aunties and my mom but I figured now is a great time to join the group and ask ladies here who've BTDT what questions I need to ask pre-op so I can get them all in line. My family are a great source of info except there's not a thin one in the bunch and I fully intend to break that particular trend, hence the join here - to be sure I am doing all I can to keep my weight low.


  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    You know what to do to keep the weight off. And good luck on may 9.