NOT wanted weight gain

linden_991 Posts: 7 Member
I started working out in the gym and eating healthy in February 2015, I lost 7 kg and was really happy until now....

The thing is,I'm really active; I work out 6 times per week (4 times in the gym and 2 times cardio (running)). Besides that I work in a hotel and my job is physical. I eat healthy and I like it, my calorie intake is around 1850 per day. (45 % carbs, 30 % protein and 25 % fat)

Here is the problem: I have gained 3 kg in 2 months without changing anything, to be honest I have worked out more than before and I have tracked my calorie intake better. I worked hard to reach my goal and now my weight keeps increasing.

With this post I am trying to find suggestions or the reason why it's happening.

Thank you in advance!


  • FluffySquid
    FluffySquid Posts: 14 Member
    Could you potentially be gaining muscle?
  • pecanbeth1
    pecanbeth1 Posts: 5 Member
    edited April 2016
    I am not sure how old you are, but I found if my hormones are out of balance I cannot control my weight. I didn't even start losing after several frustrating months until I got tested and started supplementing - in my case progesterone. I had several other bothersome symptoms which also resolved.
  • ChristinaOrr65
    ChristinaOrr65 Posts: 112 Member
    pecanbeth1 wrote: »
    I am not sure how old you are, but I found if my hormones are out of balance I cannot control my weight. I didn't even start losing after several frustrating months until I got tested and started supplementing - in my case progesterone. I had several other bothersome symptoms which also resolved.

    I agree with this 100%, same story for me!
  • chocolate_owl
    chocolate_owl Posts: 1,695 Member
    Can you open your diary? What's your height/weight? It's easier to find the culprit when we have a bigger picture :)
  • stephaniegalietta
    stephaniegalietta Posts: 1 Member
    Thyroid issues? Inflammation on the inside? Both issues could be a hindrance. I'd get a good, overall physical with some bloodwork. Also, unless your workout is longer than 30 minutes, I know I'd gain weight on that many calories, but I'm only 5.4" and 53 yrs old...I am lightly active. I work out 6 days/wk varying my workouts from cardio to strength training (light...arthritic!), and now that it's warmer, I will most likely add walking to my workouts every day. I have to keep my caloric intake to under 1300, or I gain! Like I stated earlier, check w/your doctor to get some concrete facts and take it from there! Good luck!
  • AliceAxe
    AliceAxe Posts: 172 Member
    are you under more stress lately at your job or elsewhere? Ive read the cortisol from it can shut down metaboism. Im sure Ive got this problem, been dealing with chronic stress for years