Weekly Check In Format

shutupandlift13 Posts: 727 Member
Weekly Check-In


The Good

Diet - [List at least one thing you did well or accomplished with your DIET goal for the week, i.e. stayed at a deficit, hit my protein target every day, etc.]

Fitness - [List at least one thing you did well or accomplished with your FITNESS goal for the week, i.e. lifted all three goal days, hit a new PR for a lift, etc.]

Self -Image - [List at least one thing you did well or accomplished with your SELF-IMAGE goal for the week, i.e. walked by the mirror one day and said "DAYUUUUUM," wore skirt or shorts to wherever, etc.]

The Meh

Diet - [List one constructive self criticism about DIET and how you plan to adjust your plan for the following week or adjust your mentality, i.e. I missed my protein goal for one day but realized that one day is not going to ruin anything as long as I am able to stay consistent most of the time, grabbed fast food because I ran out of time so next week I can improve my meal planning, etc.]

Fitness - [List one constructive self criticism about FITNESS and how you plan to adjust your plan for the following week or adjust your mentality, i.e. I went to only 3 out of my 4 planned workouts this week but I if it happens again I can get a walk in on my lunch break, do some short bodyweight circuits at home, I didn't hit all my working sets on strict press this week but it's a difficult lift that will take time to progress, etc.]

[Self-Image - We do enough criticism in this area without any extra focus on it... go back and reread your good self-image points for the week and no need to fill this part out.]
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