FREE Video Series Talking about Supplements - What to Combine, Avoid, Doses, etc.

KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
edited April 2016 in Social Groups
I haven't watched this yet, but I just listened to a 40 minute podcast from the folks on the (yes, I know I'm beating a dead horse) Diabetes (Treatment AND Prevention) Summit. Together the wrote a book called, "The Micronutrient Miracle." The woman, Mira Calton (with her husband Jayson), worked to reverse her severe osteoporosis within 2 years by using micronutrients. They do make their own optimal blends, but in the link below, they offer a video series discussion what supplements go together, what should not be taken together, what forms, doses, timing, and all that to get the most of our supplements. Considering how much we talk about this here, I thought it could be really useful to some.

Now, if you have a chance to listen to the podcast, it is awesome. Within the book, they have 9 supplement protocols - 1 basic, and 8 plan specific (for blood sugar control, weight management, etc., and even one specifically for KETO!)...

Things I learned from the podcast, just to name a couple - did you know that Magnesium actually needs INSULIN to absorb??

Did you know that sugar, wheat, and soy all wreak havoc on the body through anti-nutrients?

That blood sugar management for most folks needs vitamin C (helps with stress management and stress eating)? Calcium and magnesium together work to minimize sugar cravings? Chromium and Copper are also key? But Chromium needs Niacin for absorption? And that Niacin reduces insulin sensitivity? B6 can reduce inflammaion.

That the yellow/pink/blue sugar substitutes damage our gut health?

That nuts (and seeds, and oils from either) have some of the most anti-nutrients (plants defenses against getting eaten) out there? That sprouting nuts can help get rid of a good portion of them?

Storing our food in plastic with BPA can create twice the insulin spike to process food in it?? Heating it up in it makes this even worse!

Something spiffy called Zero Movement Training exists, and might prove to be easier and more efficient, particularly for obese patients with limited mobility and leaky gut/malabsorption issues in burning more calories?

That taking calcium right before a heavy workout keeps it from being leeched from your bones?

That taking 20-30 grams of whey protein 30 minutes before your meal can dramatically reduce blood sugars after meals?

Okay, yeah, I know KNIT - stop talking already. I'm just so excited... Hope y'all can find something in this that helps you too! (RIDICULOUSLY EXCITED, Y'ALL!)


  • aylajane
    aylajane Posts: 979 Member
    Shoot. I got really excited about something called "Zero Movement Training" as my mom is needing a lung transplant but they wont put her on the list until she loses about 8 pounds. She cant breathe so even walking is out. She is barely eating enough as it is so cutting calories is not feasible (about 1000 cals). Since she cant move much that must be her maintenance at this point... So I thought maybe this was some big secret way to "exercise" without moving.

    They should have called it "Zero Time Commitment" or something. It relies on pushups and squats and everything and is just focussed on fitting a workout into your day. Darn. I might try it though :)

    Excited to go through the rest of it - I am currently working out my supplement strategy and I am totally lost on what needs to go with what!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    aylajane wrote: »
    Shoot. I got really excited about something called "Zero Movement Training" as my mom is needing a lung transplant but they wont put her on the list until she loses about 8 pounds. She cant breathe so even walking is out. She is barely eating enough as it is so cutting calories is not feasible (about 1000 cals). Since she cant move much that must be her maintenance at this point... So I thought maybe this was some big secret way to "exercise" without moving.

    They should have called it "Zero Time Commitment" or something. It relies on pushups and squats and everything and is just focussed on fitting a workout into your day. Darn. I might try it though :)

    Excited to go through the rest of it - I am currently working out my supplement strategy and I am totally lost on what needs to go with what!


    These people in the podcast said to contact them (on their website), they are hard core about helping everyone they can... Maybe there is something they can suggest.

    The specifically said for limited mobility folks, whatever they can do for 30 seconds to get their heart rates up...maybe even certain thoughts could make her heart rate go up???
  • aylajane
    aylajane Posts: 979 Member
    I thought about finding ways to scare her - but she had heart stints put in this summer :) I think I will work on having her lay down and do more physical therapy stuff where she puts her foot against a wall and pushes to activate the muscle and get blood flowing or something. Thats about the best she can do right now. I will watch the video and maybe contact them. Thank you @KnitOrMiss !
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    Thanks. I didn't watch the video, because it wanted my email address. I did check out several of the blogs. I liked the "know your nuts" and the blog about gluten-free being akin to the low-fat craze. I did grab this recipe since everyone is looking for breakfast ideas.
    I have made these before and love to make a batch for the week and then freeze them for quick and easy to-go. I tossed out all my Tupperware a while ago and bought glass containers for the week. Not only are they healthier when microwaving, but they don't stain and cleaning is easier.

    Protein Packed Morning Muffins

    •5 large pastured eggs
    •¼ cup organic sour cream (you choose the fat content)
    •Unrefined sea salt and pepper to taste
    •Organic cayenne pepper to taste (Boost metabolism all day long)
    •2/3 cup freshly chopped or grated organic cheese, or cheese combo of your choice
    •1/3 organic tomato, chopped
    •1 clove chopped garlic (Let sit for 10 minutes prior to cooking)
    •1/3 onion (It’s on the Fab Fourteen, so save money by purchasing nonorganic.)
    •1/3 cup cooked organic spinach or asparagus
    •6 slices of pastured bacon


    1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees.

    2. Grease a muffin tin with ghee, coconut oil, butter, or retained and collected fat, or use a nonstick tin. You will use only six of the muffin molds (perhaps seven depending on the bulk of vegetables and bacon).

    3. Brown bacon and chop. Use the remaining bacon fat to cook onion and garlic until onion is translucent.

    4. Beat eggs in small bowl and blend with sour cream, grated cheese, and desired organic seasonings.

    5. Pour egg mixture into six muffin molds until two thirds full, keeping enough room on top for bacon and/or vegetables.

    6. Mix vegetables and bacon in the now empty egg bowl and distribute evenly into the egg mixture.

    7. Bake for approximately 25 minutes or until cooked through. Allow to completely cool before removing from muffin tin.