Carb cycling?

a0akley Posts: 36 Member
Has anyone tried it? I feel like when I eat low carb I eventually get super bored and kind of grossed out frankly by my choices. But if I switch to low fat, more carbs, I feel like a hangry grizzly bear all of the time. I would like to hear if anyone has had success alternating low and higher carb days? I would like to lose 15-20 lbs and I already exercise basically every day with a mix of high intensity cardio and some ballet/barre based strengthening. Any thoughts, good or bad? It seems like a nice way to balance it all out. I'm sure weight fluctuations would be a lot more due to water but I am not a frequent weigh-in-er anyway. Thanks!


  • tinywonder25
    tinywonder25 Posts: 148 Member
    I've had success calorie cycling but I'd be considered a moderate to low carber any way (30-90). The thing I don't like about it is you gain water weight and can have crazy fluctuations (women retain more than men) which really turned me off.