July Weekly Check Ins

shutupandlift13 Posts: 727 Member
Please post your weekly check ins here for the whole month of July.

There will be a new weekly check in topic each month as well as a new monthly goal thread for each month.


  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Weekly Check-In

    Name: Pam
    Date: 07/04

    The Good

    Diet - stayed on track and didn't drink until Friday - EVEN THOUGH HUSBAND went on a trip.

    Fitness - Crossfit 3 days in a row. 4th day this Sunday for Open gym - will work on squats and cleans. Did 2 reps on my 1 RM deadlift this week, got the third rep 2/3rds up - coach said I had it, but it's been a humid week and my hands were burning and slipping.

    Self -Image - took naked pix of myself and sent it to husband on his trip

    The Meh

    Diet -missed my protein targets this week... ate $h!t on friday... well, more like: ate nothing all day and when dinner rolled around, made a $h!tty choice.

    Fitness - I hurt my right shoulder taking off a sports bra this week and was not able to do my workouts without subbing a lot of my workouts. I need to ice more and get it healed so I don't have to sandbag my WODs. On my "rest days" I need to really focus on active recovery - stretching and getting my flexibility back through my trunk and back.

    Self-Image - I'm still wearing an XL. Despite a pretty good week of diet, and wrapping up shark week - the farking scale is up.
  • amberlykay1014
    amberlykay1014 Posts: 608 Member
    Weekly Check-In

    Name: Amberly
    Date: 07/06

    The Good

    Diet - Made healthy choices for breakfast & lunch everyday this week. This has been very consistent.

    Fitness - Was able to jog to the park and get a workout in the other day. Felt good!

    Self -Image - Got some new shorts that look very flattering on me!

    The Meh

    Diet - Had a couple of Red Bulls in the middle of long days this week. This is something I'm working on cutting down significantly. 11 hour days can be draining but I need to prepare by bringing smarter choices to work for times when I feel like crashing.

    Fitness - Haven't made the time to work out consistently. I am working 65 hrs. a week right now and when I get home, I'm spent. Forcing myself to do wedding planning stuff, like make my invitations, at night instead of working out.

    Self-Image - My arms and back look great, but I've still got this extra fat on my belly and thighs. I know consistency in my workout plans will change that back to looking awesome, but I need to give it focus and time.
  • amonkey794
    amonkey794 Posts: 651 Member
    Weekly Check-In

    Name: Monkey
    Date: 07/06/2013

    The Good

    Diet - A majority of the week started eating started spreading my calories a little more throughout the day (and ate a tad more)

    Fitness - Working on squat form.

    Self -Image -Didn't overly freak out and feel fat when TOM hit

    The Meh

    Diet -Still eating to much in a short window. I need to maybe experiment with food choices and snacks to make it easier to eat more throughout the day.

    Fitness - With my procedure putting me out Thursday and Friday and my mom and cousin here over the weekend, I have a bit of anxiety of not working out :/

    Self-Image -Because I apparently have "lazy colon" it is hard to come to terms with how bloated I get even eating light or having a glass of water
  • Dogwalkingirl
    Dogwalkingirl Posts: 320 Member
    Weekly Check-In
    Date-July 6th


    Diet - Overall should be proud of myself this week diet wise. I am dog sitting so that gets me out of my routine but I did my groceries and planned my meals in advance all week (minus Monday!)

    Fitness - really proud of myself this week for doing my 3 days of lifting and I also squeezed in another strength day in my clients home gym. Other goals (running etc were also hit)

    Self Image - My stomach is A LOT less bloated and swollen looking that only just 4 days ago.


    Diet. Monday was Canada day. I wasn't even honest with my logging. I logged my food at 8pm thinking I wasn't going to eat anything more for the day. I ended up having two beers and a sausage on a bun at fireworks.

    Fitness - Really should have pushed myself to the pool. I made the excuse that it was too far and I will start next week when I am home from my dog sitting. It is only a 15 min drive (instead of a walk). I should have just done it. NO EXCUSE!

    Self Image- I am still wearing the same clothes I was 7 months ago. Yes a few of my skinny jeans fit better but I want to be down a size. Just have to be patient, I know, I know
  • Date: 7-6-13
    Name: Jessica

    I'm new to this group! I love the weekly accountability though.. it's just what I'm looking for!

    The Good

    Diet - Stayed under my calorie goal on the days I kept track (all but Thursday & Friday)

    Fitness - Started a 30 day squat challenge!

    Self -Image -Felt confident in my swimsuit for the first time in a while

    The Meh

    Diet -I have no self control when sweets are around, my roommates bday was July 4th so there were a lot but they are out of the house now.. out of sight, out of mind!

    Fitness - When the gym isn't open, I don't tend to workout but I started a blog on my profile on here to hold myself accountable to finally complete the Insanity program

    Self-Image -I have some digestive issues and acid reflux so I tend to stay bloated regardless of what I eat... I'm starting to come to terms with it.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    Weekly Check-In

    Name: Casey
    Date: 7-6-2013

    The Good

    Diet - I was at or below my calorie goal each day.

    Fitness - My strength coach said my squats were perfect. Yay!

    Self -Image - I posted my first ever shirtless progress pic on MFP. It was really hard to do, but I was tired of beating myself up about having "fat days" and big hips, and I thought this would be a visual reminder that I'm not fat and that my hips are fine.

    The Meh

    Diet - I need to be better about staying within my macro ranges. Sometimes, I'm too high on fat, which is fine if my protein is in line, but most of the time, going over on fat means I'm under on protein, and that's not okay.

    Fitness - I am still trying to hit all the form cues on sumo deadlifts, which are new to me, and I allow myself to lose focus on the lighter sets and kind of half-*kitten* the weight up. I need to be more strict about it.
  • jamiek917
    jamiek917 Posts: 610 Member
    So this is for the 1st week of july, right? should we try to do this at the end of each week? (fri-sun?)

    Weekly Check-In

    Name: Jamie
    Date: 7-6-2013

    The Good

    Diet - protein macros have been consistently high. the first half of my day has been solid all week.

    Fitness - my workouts. they have been better than ever since starting NROL the first week of April. finished stage 4, and looking forward to starting 5 this week!

    Self -Image - felt really great earlier this week pre- 4th of July binge. my friend who hasnt seen me in over a month told me i look incredible, which made my day.

    The Meh

    Diet - the 4th was a horrible free for all. im talking likely 3 days worth of cals- i just lost control. tuesday was about 1K over as well (hubby got the job he applied for and wanted to go out). still a controlled indulgence, minus the 3ish servings of almonds i ate before we left :( ARGH

    Fitness - id like to continue to improve my deadlifts. for sets of 8 im stuck at 165- i feel like i lose my grip a bit- might need straps. and planks are my enemy- gotta improve those.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    Weekly Check-In

    Name: Vizzle to the izzle
    Date: 7/6/13

    The Good
    Diet - I'm basically eating a surplus and listening to what my body says. I will conclude my bulk a little sooner than expected on the 19th so I can cut in time for a conference in August. It seems that this 'bulk' will end up being a mini recomp in the end. Total time above maintenance will be 7 weeks.

    Fitness - I hit a 220 deadlift this week and 100 lb non-spotted bench.

    The Meh

    Diet - I'm shooting for a 150 g protein goal 5 of 7 days per week right now. I only hit this goal 3 times this week. I was out of town Monday and Tuesday at a work meeting where food was supplied, and it was mostly carbs. I brought protein bars, but opted to eat donuts instead. I'm dealing with wild weight swings due to food and fluid. I'm not sure exactly what kind of progress I've made, since I didn't take measurements, but I can say that one of my work dresses is extremely tight in the shoulders.

    Fitness - While I did hit a 220 dead lift, my form was **** and I've been eating naproxen non stop since Wednesday. I need to be more kind to my body and increase rest between my heavy sets. I haven't done any cardio since the beginning of June and I miss boxing and I miss going for a run on the weekends.
  • Dogwalkingirl
    Dogwalkingirl Posts: 320 Member
    So this is for the 1st week of july, right? should we try to do this at the end of each week? (fri-sun?)

    Weekly Check-In

    Name: Jamie
    Date: 7-6-2013

    The Good

    Diet - protein macros have been consistently high. the first half of my day has been solid all week.

    Fitness - my workouts. they have been better than ever since starting NROL the first week of April. finished stage 4, and looking forward to starting 5 this week!

    Self -Image - felt really great earlier this week pre- 4th of July binge. my friend who hasnt seen me in over a month told me i look incredible, which made my day.

    The Meh

    Diet - the 4th was a horrible free for all. im talking likely 3 days worth of cals- i just lost control. tuesday was about 1K over as well (hubby got the job he applied for and wanted to go out). still a controlled indulgence, minus the 3ish servings of almonds i ate before we left :( ARGH

    Fitness - id like to continue to improve my deadlifts. for sets of 8 im stuck at 165- i feel like i lose my grip a bit- might need straps. and planks are my enemy- gotta improve those.
  • Dogwalkingirl
    Dogwalkingirl Posts: 320 Member
    Oooops, stupid technology! Anyhow. I just wanted to say I think a Fri-sunday review each week would probably be great.
  • shutupandlift13
    shutupandlift13 Posts: 727 Member
    Yep, it will be a week running Monday through Sunday, do your check in sometime after Friday and before Monday. I personally seem to crash horribly on the weekend so I will probably do mine Monday morning when I get off shift to push that accountability all the way through the end of the week.

    I love reading everyone's reflections and honesty. Its really great :)
  • cutieryan
    cutieryan Posts: 20 Member
    Weekly Check-In

    Name: Hayley
    Date: 7/6/13

    The Good
    Diet - I stayed under my calorie goal every day except the 4th, and I was under enough the rest of the week that the average still kept me in line.

    Fitness - I had that pleasantly sore feeling every day this week, you know the one that makes you feel the work you did the whole next day... I love that.

    The Meh

    Diet - My hubby isn't seeing the results he wants (he's only 10 pounds from goal and isn't working out at all so its really no wonder) and I've allowed his lack of enthusiasm to tempt me much more than I usually would.

    Fitness - I didn't get up to work out before going to work once this week which meant I had to fit in my work outs during my son's after noon nap which is tricky when dealing with a 10 month old so I ended up missing 2 work outs.

    One big struggle this week has been clothes. I was gaining weight when I got pregnant (about 10 pounds before I even KNEW I was having a baby) so I gladly went from my regular clothes to maternity wear. Now I'm definitely in between sizes and don't look good in anything I put on. Kinda sucks but my budget means no new clothes for now.
  • cutieryan
    cutieryan Posts: 20 Member
    P.S. There are a lot of lifters in this group. My work outs are at home so my strength training is all with hand weights. Hopefully I can still hang :)
  • shutupandlift13
    shutupandlift13 Posts: 727 Member
    P.S. There are a lot of lifters in this group. My work outs are at home so my strength training is all with hand weights. Hopefully I can still hang :)

    No need to worry about that. We've all been there before at some point and you can see great progress through many different types of workouts. :)
  • evedroid
    evedroid Posts: 134 Member
    1st - 7th july

    the booyah:

    upped my calories back up to a reasonable level and im happier already so is my body! for some reason my stomach seems fuller but flatter if it makes sense - no belly pooch hanging under the starved hollow stomach. cant really explain?!

    even though it supposed to be my rest week i couldnt resist and got my lifting on. started stage5 of nrol4w and absolutely loving the heavier weights-higher sets-lower reps business.
    i can also do pike jackknives now, whereas 3 months ago i couldnt even stay on my swiss ball, nor to do a single prone jackknife.

    the boo:

    supposed to have a straight edge july (once i start i cant seem to control my alcohol intake) but failed on yesterday when my long time no see party animal friend popped over. sunshine in england, park, cider. got drunk and binged - around ~3500kcal which is, to be said, still better than last months continuous 5000+ binges, but is still a binge. creamy-dairy stuff aint agreeing on my tummy either (im lactose intolerant) so i learnt my lesson. again. might be needing to pick up an extra 24 roll loo roll today, hah!

    i lift 3x during the week and jog once on the weekend, but didnt get my jog on due to the boy being away (no one being able to look after our daughter)
  • Dogwalkingirl
    Dogwalkingirl Posts: 320 Member
    P.S. There are a lot of lifters in this group. My work outs are at home so my strength training is all with hand weights. Hopefully I can still hang :)

    Everyone is welcome here; lifters or not. I am basically a virgin to lifting still myself.
  • amonkey794
    amonkey794 Posts: 651 Member
    1st - 7th july

    the booyah:

    upped my calories back up to a reasonable level and im happier already so is my body! for some reason my stomach seems fuller but flatter if it makes sense - no belly pooch hanging under the starved hollow stomach. cant really explain?!

    No lie, I loved this part.
  • TheRube
    TheRube Posts: 4 Member
    My first weigh-in Lost over 6 lbs. That's a good start for me!

    Diet-- Kept up calorie goal each day. Gave up diet sodas--all sodas--for water or Perrier. Logged in every day. Made pretty good choices all week except for a piece of fried fish on Saturday. Just one small piece, but I swore off fried foods.

    Exercise-- I am not athletic. Love to read, love the outdoors, but hate exercising and sweating. I am soooo out of shape. But I did walk 30 minutes each day. It was hard to walk 10 minutes around the block. That's how out of shape I am. But I suffered through it and it did get easier. I have arthritis in my hips, so I feel like the Tin Man when I walk sometimes. LOL I am a kayaker, but the weather has not been cooperating. I am determined to exercise more each day.

    Self-image-- I am comfortable with my body. I wear swimsuits, shorts, tank tops. I'm tan and happy! Hoping to get rid of this big stomach! That will help me look better, feel lighter on my feet, and hopefully motivate me to exercise even more.

    I was pretty hard on myself this first week, because I was determined. The hard part is keeping that momentum going!
  • jamiek917
    jamiek917 Posts: 610 Member
    Weekly Check-In

    Name: Jamie
    Date: 7-12-2013
    weight- sigh. trying not to obsess on the number. 3 weeks ago i was 177.8, and then 2 bad days and a few days going a little over here and there caused a gain. after 2 bad days last week, the scale claimed i was 185- which i knew was mostly retention. i did well all week, but as of this morning, it read 181.0. so im up 3 :( some might be period retention- so im not changing my ticker till next friday...and then ill go from there. hoping its gone by then. ARGH

    The Good

    Diet - since Sunday ive been dead on. everything has been tracked and within my rny 1600-1800 range (the 2-3 things i had to estimate i truly researched and tracked it as accurately as possible). God it feels so much better to be in control, on track and consistent....

    Fitness - Workouts have still been great- on the second A workout of NROL stage 5! today if i get a spotter at the gym im going to try my 4 reps of incline DB chest press with 45s in each hand (40s are no problem at all now..)- woohoo!

    Self -Image - felt better to be in control. still angry at myself for not one but TWO really bad days in 1 week (the 4th and the 6th)- esp after 1-2 months of being pretty damn consistent.

    misc- got my period on wednesday. thats not a big deal for anyone other than me- but i hadnt had a natural period since January, and had a 2-day Provera induced period in March. years of taking the pill (stopped a year ago) + shift work hours ruined my cycle/hormones for several months. now that i have it, im hoping it not only helps my ovulation get back ont rack (trying for a baby) but im hoping it aids the weight loss!!

    The Meh

    Diet - nothing bad this week actually. managed to avoid extra snacking even though i really wanted to. on days when i had a little something extra that wasnt pre planned- i adjusted a later meal or snack to ensure i stayed within the range. some think the range is too low, but years of trying different ranges has shown that 1600-1800 is a sensible range where i can not be hungry and still lose slowly.

    Fitness - need to work on my single leg partial squats-- i feel like i dont go low enough (part of my program)
  • cutieryan
    cutieryan Posts: 20 Member
    Weekly Check-In

    Name: Hayley
    Date: 07/14

    The Good

    Diet - I tracked EVERYTHING on MFP, even the things I wanted to forget I ate.

    Fitness - Went for a check up and found that I'd lost 2.5% body fat. The doc said if someone my size had spent a couple hours in the gym a day and eaten the bare minimum of calories possible he'd expect to see no more than a 4 or 5% drop for the same time period so as a working mom who is also in the middle of the move I'm pretty proud of that 2.5%!

    Self -Image - This week I got my first "you are losing weight!" comment from someone who isn't privy to my diet goals. I admit I had quite the strut for the rest of the day.

    The Meh

    Diet - Starting Friday when we began moving stuff into the new apartment Hubby wanted pizza and drive through food. I didn't feel like pointing out that I'm still trying to lose weight so instead I ordered the pizza and made a McDonald's run for breakfast. I was rewarded by an extreme pain in my stomach that sidelined me for half the day yesterday. Lets hope I learned that lesson for good.

    Fitness - I relied on calories burned in the move to be my exercise for the last few days. I know it counts because it is definitely out of the ordinary but I know that tomorrow its going to be hard getting back to it.

    Self-Image - I tore through the thigh on my very last pair of jeans that fit me, and I'm still a good 15 pounds from being able to fit into the next smaller size that I have. My choices now are either go back to my maternity pants, wear only dresses, or spend money I need for other things on jeans that I hopefully won't be wearing for more than a couple months.
This discussion has been closed.