NSVs and Positive Feedback

chocolate_owl Posts: 1,695 Member
April's winding down, and I haven't lost a pound. It's my own fault; there's been too many big dinners with friends and not enough discipline. Hopefully May will be better in that respect. But instead of sitting here sulking about it, I thought I'd share some of the good things that have happened this month. We tend to focus so much on seeing those numbers go down, so this thread is for giving ourselves positive feedback from somewhere other than the scale.

After a string of injuries, I'm finally healthy again, and I've been amazingly consistent with exercise. I only missed one scheduled workout, and I made up for it. Since the end of March:
-I've ramped my deadlift up each week. I've increased weight by 30 lbs so far, and will add another 10 on by the end of this week. It hasn't felt hard yet. I should be DLing my body weight by the end of May.
-I've gone up 5 lbs on bench press, which is a super challenging lift for me.
-I've decreased my 5K time by over two minutes and am getting close to a PR.
-I see more definition in my legs and back.
-My husband tells me how good my body feels constantly.

There's some of mine, what are yours? :)


  • unawind
    unawind Posts: 46 Member
    I've lost and kept off 5 lbs/2 inches for two months. I want to lose more but the fact that I'm at least keeping off what I've lost is good. I lifted 65lbs on the squat today, which felt very easy...for the first few reps. Additionally, I was able to improve my stationary lunges so I didn't falter too much.
  • niniundlapin
    niniundlapin Posts: 327 Member
    My weight hasn't really changed much but my waist finally got down another 0.5 inch! Seems like I lost some fat on my back as well since dresses I bought two years ago now look much better (little bit more room and no more embarrassing armpit-back fat showing).

    Guess I'll just keep doing what I was doing :blush:
  • NutritionHealth4Life
    NutritionHealth4Life Posts: 90 Member
    edited April 2016
    Like your attitude. Added more fat to my daily intake and feel a lot better. Every day during April on my page, I've written a daily eating & exercise goal.