Let's Rev It Up!!

I just came over from Sparkpeople. I was there for many many years (one of the first members) and lately have found groups not active for years, etc. I am hoping to do better here. I have been using our TG for several months now and love it. I work out three times a week with my Mate. He is stronger than I am, but I am doing it!


  • blueuniverse
    blueuniverse Posts: 13 Member
    My mom just gave me her total gym since she never uses it, I'm pretty excited to work it into my routine. I'm still getting familiar with all of the different exercises, hopefully I can lay out a few different circuits that work well for me. At this point I still feel kind of awkward on the thing, but I enjoy it. Welcome to MFP!
  • tsrolloffs
    tsrolloffs Posts: 8 Member
    You'll get more comfortable with each workout. Remember, when you are struggling for balance you are getting a great core workout.