Day 23 - Eggs are BACK

shuki_cotren Posts: 328 Member
edited April 2016 in Social Groups
My never-ending cold continues but I had eggs for supper which is a good sign that I'm almost through the worst of it and I think I'm slowly getting back to my old self.

Still calling this my "Not so whole30", but I refuse to give up on the primary objectives of the whole30- no grains, no legumes.

M1: organic mozz cheese stick and a banana, and some snap pea crisps and applesauxe
Snack: Almond Coconut Kind Bar and Orange Juice
M2: Roasted potatoes in coconut oil, Julians Bakery Paleo Protein Bar, apple
Snack: 1/2 Tablespoon almond butter
M3: I had like 4 scrambled eggs...I know thats a lot! Its been days since I have been able to eat eggs though because the sight of them or smell has not been all that great with my cold. Also had more orange juice.