Newbie questions

Jessyd76 Posts: 539 Member
Hi folks!
I just finished week 1 and have a few questions for you keto veterans.

- what macro ratio do you try to hit? Right now I'm set at 75% fat, 5% carb, 20% protein
- What's more important, not exceeding a certain grams or percentage of net carbs or getting closer to the fat target?
- Any good calculators to help me set a keto calorie target? (I'm set at 2000 right now)
- And lastly, can I diary stalk any of you to get ideas on what to make and eat?

Thanks for the help, I appreciate it!


  • aeb09
    aeb09 Posts: 424 Member
    1. I think I'm at 70/25/5. Some people eat like you and I, others eat 65/30/5 or 65/25/10. It's all about finding what works best for you and your body.
    2. I think most people would argue it's more important to not exceed carbs. The general rule of thumb is "under carbs, hit protein goal, eat fat until full" but I try to hit my fat goal, too, and often go over.
    4. My diary is open to friends, so feel free to add me (you or anyone that might otherwise read this). I make a lot of recipe entries so I don't add a lot of individual line items, especially for dinner, but you can always message me and ask. Or you can message me and ask for my Instagram, I post everything I eat there.

    Hope that helps! :smiley:
  • Primadonna890
    Primadonna890 Posts: 7 Member
    Eating your amount of fat will keep you satisfied longer. That being said, depending on your body composition your macros might be slightly different.

    Have you used a calculator?

    And congrats on your first week.
  • Jessyd76
    Jessyd76 Posts: 539 Member
    Thanks ladies! I appreciate the help!

    Another question. I did a keto test today and only had trace amounts of ketones in my urine. I'm thinking that after a week of being decently under 30g net carbs a day that shouldn't be the case.

    Thinking of anything I did differently, I had a Coke Zero at the movies last night. Would that bump me out of ketosis?
  • kabdu108
    kabdu108 Posts: 14 Member
    edited May 2016
    Keep your carbs way under 20. Keep your ration 65% fats (coconut, butter, olive oils) to 35 percent proteins. Eat using the warrior diet pattern. Fast the other 18 hours of the day on water and black coffee. Coke is not the best, it affects some people, others no. Drink more water. Supplement with magnesium and zinc. Drink more water. Don't eat until you are full, keep your calories at an appropriate level for your activities and age. Drink more water. Favorite foods: Eggs, Cheeses,Butter, Greens, RibEye, Lamb, 65% fat organic ground beef (grass fed) or grind your own, Smoked Salmon. Keytones; must be taken at rising, mid stream, may not be a reliable test. After 30 days, may not register as the body adopts fat burning, and the liver is no longer stressed. (Adoption)
    Age 63, Total Weight Loss 75 pounds, Sedentary (Disabled).

  • aeb09
    aeb09 Posts: 424 Member
    Jessyd76 wrote: »
    Thanks ladies! I appreciate the help!

    Another question. I did a keto test today and only had trace amounts of ketones in my urine. I'm thinking that after a week of being decently under 30g net carbs a day that shouldn't be the case.

    Thinking of anything I did differently, I had a Coke Zero at the movies last night. Would that bump me out of ketosis?

    I would say you want to be under 20g net to get into ketosis, not 30. Try 3-5 days of staying as close to 25g total carbs and I'm sure you'd find better results. If you were using ketostix and not a blood test, they may not be completely accurate though, either, especially if you drink a lot of water.
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    My diary is also open so knock yourself out stalking it! lol
  • ash407
    ash407 Posts: 28 Member
    Starting keto diet again. Please feel free to add
    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    kabdu108-Age 63, Total Weight Loss 75 pounds, Sedentary (Disabled).

    Hi, Well, we're in the same boat, after a head on collision at age 60 a few years ago I recovered, and was back walking the dogs, very active, but last 16 months it's a downward slide as I age and the impact of all of it effecting me, and walking without a cane not this WOE is really helpful when 'activity' is restricted.

    The poor people on "my 600# life" are so big they can't move, restricted to 1200 LC least we can eat more via fats and not suffer counting every damn calorie.
  • walker1world
    walker1world Posts: 259 Member
    Dr.Rosedale actually fears to much protien while doing a ketogenic diet. He has a formula using your goal weight per gram of protein he thinks we should eat.

    He is one of the original low carb doctors. He believes that excess protien gets converted into sugar. So you may want to keep that in mind.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    @walker1world I personally find this to be true, though I don't know if it's the conversion of protein to sugar, or just my body getting tangled up in processing too much protein, but particularly when it's lean proteins, even when paired with significant fats, and I have too much, my body doesn't lose...
  • walker1world
    walker1world Posts: 259 Member
    @knitormiss I am going through a tough spell losing weight this week. I actually gained .4 lbs in a week but I have lost 1 inch around my waist. I am assuming that I must have gained more muscle than loss fat. This makes since to me because I lift weights at least 4 days a week for lunch.

    I am sure you know your body better than any one else. I am happy to share something I had learned. It good to know you had already taken that into consideration.