May 2016 Challenge



  • marathonbiker
    marathonbiker Posts: 207 Member
    06'01 2 mi walk
    06/06 2 mi walk
    06/08 3 mi walk
    06/11 24 mi bike ride, 3hrs, elevation gain1609,1260 cal out. This was toughest ride to date! Awesome Day riding!

    Bi Wkly Total 31 mi :)B)
  • LauraHasABabyJack
    LauraHasABabyJack Posts: 629 Member
    5miles today. Been out most days the last couple weeks.
    Great ride! I hope you got an epic dinner after.
  • marathonbiker
    marathonbiker Posts: 207 Member
    6/1 6/11 31 mi

    6/23 3 mi walking
    6/24 4 mi walking
    6/29 3 mi walking

    Total for June 2016 41 miles cycling/walking

    Not a great month for outdoor activities due to heat and humidity. Planning a couple of early morning rides this weekend. Taking workouts to gym. Have a couple of events coming up in Fall time of year.

    All of you are doing Awesome!
  • marathonbiker
    marathonbiker Posts: 207 Member
    Mounting a comeback! Have a new part-time job on mon and tue. This will allow me more time during the week for training.

    Today, I tested the waters. Quick time walk with jogging mixed in. 1:19:37 . It will take some real work to get back to where I was. Tue will do an early morning ride before work. Wed gym workout. Will have totals Tue.

    Hope all is well with everyone!
  • LauraHasABabyJack
    LauraHasABabyJack Posts: 629 Member
    Good luck marathon! With both the new job and building your training back up.
    7 miles run this morning, 1.25 walk