Can someone help me understand this

Beachlady228 Posts: 58 Member
Does losing on LCHF prevent these metabolic problems?

After ‘The Biggest Loser,’ Their Bodies Fought to Regain Weight


  • Jan93L
    Jan93L Posts: 178 Member
    Sigh... I'm going to have to endure hunger the rest of my life. Even HFLC eating can only help just so much. I can only hope I have the vigilance to continue for the next 20 years.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    edited May 2016
    I think the problem with biggest loser contestants is muscle loss. If you lose that much muscle how could you possibly maintain that weight without always eating that strictly and working out that hard? Isn't the key to long term success keeping your muscle?
    I have barely exercised at all in the past year and I've lost body fat percentage and gained it on skeletal muscle. I'm talking percentages. So, maybe I've lost some muscle, but overall the average percentage of my weight from skeletal muscle is more than when I started.

    This makes me think of the show My Diet is Better Than Yours. The woman that "won" the competition lost the largest percentage of total bodyweight, however, she lost quite a lot of muscle and her percentage of lost body fat wasn't anywhere near the guy that did the Keto diet. That guy placed second, lost the highest percentage of body fat while actually gaining muscle and exercising by walking in his neighborhood a few times a week while pushing a baby in a stroller.
    I really don't think the lower metabolism would apply to anyone that didn't sacrifice muscle for the sake of seeing what they wanted to see on the scale and exercising beyond what's actually productive.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    Jan93L wrote: »
    Sigh... I'm going to have to endure hunger the rest of my life. Even HFLC eating can only help just so much. I can only hope I have the vigilance to continue for the next 20 years.

    I feel you.
    I hit goal, then regained 10lb. Le sigh...
    Maintenance can require as much vigilance for some people as losing, and I'm one of them.
  • Vowder
    Vowder Posts: 378 Member
    So I am new to Keto... but I am not finding it hard to eat this way. My wife, who doesn't need to lose weight, (she thinks she does) is cooking keto. We are eating better... feel better... have more energy... and she is losing weight as well. She is now a few pounds from what she was when we got married.

    The only thing I haven't figured out yet is if/how to stay on keto and still enjoy a bevy on a Friday night. However, I am not going to worry about that until I hit my target weight later this summer.
  • eileenhernandez456
    eileenhernandez456 Posts: 16 Member
    I think I have read this article 20 times today... I am terrified of maintenance.. it scares me when i see these biggest losers regain their weight and I saw drew Carey on the price is right the other day and he also has regained a lot.. although he did get very thin so i think he looks better... I am still losing and trying to picture my life in maintenance... is there a way to find out if you have a damaged brm?
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    I can relate to the maintenance struggles. As soon as I lose the recently regained 20, I will be attempting Maintenence: Take 4... might even be "Take 5". I have not found a way to work it effectively and end up binging ferociously- this time for 2 months.
    I keep reading about it and trying to learn from mistakes. Will keep at it til I get it right. permanent regain is not an option for me and I will find a way to make it work. But this is not an easy transition for me.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    elize7 wrote: »
    I can relate to the maintenance struggles. As soon as I lose the recently regained 20, I will be attempting Maintenence: Take 4... might even be "Take 5". I have not found a way to work it effectively and end up binging ferociously- this time for 2 months.
    I keep reading about it and trying to learn from mistakes. Will keep at it til I get it right. permanent regain is not an option for me and I will find a way to make it work. But this is not an easy transition for me.

    Just keep swimming, right?
    I'm on Take 2 myself. Trying to get off a 10lb regain...some is muscle, and some is water from going higher carb. But all of it isn't that. I have one of those appetites that is ferocious and it takes a lot of food to fill my hungry. My body is convinced it needs to put more weight back on. Too frickin' bad for my body. I have a little bit of say. And I'm exercising it.
  • Beachlady228
    Beachlady228 Posts: 58 Member
    Although this stuff scares me, I think it is helpful to know it is coming and that when I reach my goal weight, it will not necessarily be easier and it might be even harder. I am committed to this WOE, and as @baconslave says, I have a say. I will find a way to keep the weight off.
  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    edited May 2016
    I'm a greedy *kitten* (b.a.s.t.a.r.d)! Acknowledging that I'm a foodie...I know I will have to keep an eye on things. I maintained for almost a year...then changed a couple of things + eating ad libitum. Regain creep.

    I think I need to have some basic rules going on, while keeping enough flexibility as to not develop OCD. We all have to find our own balance.
  • DananaNanas
    DananaNanas Posts: 665 Member
    Vowder wrote: »
    So I am new to Keto... but I am not finding it hard to eat this way. My wife, who doesn't need to lose weight, (she thinks she does) is cooking keto. We are eating better... feel better... have more energy... and she is losing weight as well. She is now a few pounds from what she was when we got married.

    The only thing I haven't figured out yet is if/how to stay on keto and still enjoy a bevy on a Friday night. However, I am not going to worry about that until I hit my target weight later this summer.

    I drink every weekend but WHAT I drink since I've started Keto is a lot different. Gin and seltzer water is my go-to. My bf (also keto) drinks scotch, whiskey, or captain morgan and diet coke. I've always been a wine drinker and I'm told you can drink some dry wines (my favorite anyway) and stay in ketosis.... however I don't want just one glass of wine lol so I stay away from it.

    I pretty consistently "gain" .5 pound from Friday to Monday (the only two days I weigh..) but Friday to Friday I'm usually down more than that .5 pound. I know if my diet did not include a drop of alcohol I would not be able to stick to it. Call it what you will but this works for me.
    ^ great resource for the keto drinkers!
  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    Agree with @baconslave. Wise words, hun. I'll add that doing a week or two accidentally or on purpose while dieting can be a good trial run. It works as a little break from scale victory dependence. It can be quite addicting to see the numbers go down. But not regaining is sooo much more than that!
  • DietPrada
    DietPrada Posts: 1,171 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    Jan93L wrote: »
    Sigh... I'm going to have to endure hunger the rest of my life. Even HFLC eating can only help just so much. I can only hope I have the vigilance to continue for the next 20 years.

    I feel you.
    I hit goal, then regained 10lb. Le sigh...
    Maintenance can require as much vigilance for some people as losing, and I'm one of them.

    Maintenance is harder than losing IMO. The motivation is taken away. You can strictly watch what you eat for a long period of time to reach a "goal" but when it happens and you realise you still have to watch what you eat it can actually be soul destroying. It's really hard to get into that mindset that you will have to watch your intake FOREVER or undo everything you've done.
  • V_Keto_V
    V_Keto_V Posts: 342 Member
    Maintenance is really tough; a 5lb gain can wreak havoc on one's psyche. Just pay attention to the scale with the same methodology each time (same time of day, fluid status, timing around meals). I'm at a point where I am literally eating the same portions/kcals per day but without being OCD about measuring everything.

    I wouldn't read much into that article; apparently only 1 contestant was able to make permanent lifestyle changes. What they did in the short amount of time is not natural or healthy. It takes time to make lifestyle changes that are sustainable
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    I put trigger weights in place. Now if I get above 55kg, (a prior goal weight) I know I need to act promptly to fix that, 56kg and there is a serious look at habits n lifestyle to be re evaluated. Otherwise, based on past experience, I will slowly creep up whilst I ignore that evil scale and convince myself my clothes shrunk in wash. Not this time. Maintenance for me is going to require tracking.
  • mandycat223
    mandycat223 Posts: 502 Member
    This looks like another good place for a tribute to the late, great Erma Bombeck:

    “In two decades I've lost a total of 789 pounds. I should be hanging from a charm bracelet.”

    To be sure, Erma struggled with her weight during the era of nothing but lettuce leaves, cottage cheese and Diet Tab as a sustainable eating plan. But we can all still empathize with her woes.
  • mandycat223
    mandycat223 Posts: 502 Member
    I think it was either Pamela Peek or Linda Spangle who suggested creating an "Emergency Plan" to use once we're in maintenance.

    First we define what is an emergency: getting up to a certain weight, not fitting into a particular pair of jeans and so on. Then we define AND WRITE DOWN the emergency response. For most of us here that would be reverting to the LCHF numbers and/or the workout schedule that got us to goal and staying there until we are back where we need to be. That works better than drifting into the danger zone while hazily thinking, Gee gotta get back on track one of these days.

    Failure to plan is planning to fail, as a former manager of mine must have said 80 gazillion times. I hated it when he was right.

  • vansnyder
    vansnyder Posts: 20 Member
    I have been looking and reading a bit, sorry if I missed the obvious. I was on low carb a couple of years ago and it worked well for me, for awhile. I think I started consuming way to many calories, thinking as long as carbs were low I was okay. Not really true, since I am a food junky.

    Getting to my point, I just restarted a couple days ago, and am monitoring with MFP which is a great help, but what is considered a low enough level to be sure I am going to be in Ketosis. I am currently consuming about 20g of carbs per day, I need to lose about 15 lbs so when I get down about another 10 I want to move up to 50 - 100g per day.

    Am I looking at the correct or at least close numbers to where I should be. I am a 65 yr old male and do not get the exercise I used to, fortunately my dog makes me walk a few times per day. I am trying to keep calories around the 1500 per day level.

    As I said it has been awhile and not sure anymore do I really need to go 0 carbs for a few days or will <20 per day get me where I need to go.

    Thanks for any answers I get and any help, please no flaming if I am way off, just let me know if I am and give me advice.