Starting Again

smithitup Posts: 5 Member
Hi Guys,

I joined this group when we first set it up but because I was too early in sobriety I just couldn't keep up with weight loss with the amount of sugar I was consuming!

Now it's died down a bit and I've put on MORE weight, I think it's finally time to do something about it.

I've started my calorie count and have it linked in to my fitbit, I'm sitting at a target of 1500 calories per day.

Starting weight = 88.5kg / 195 pounds at a height of 5"7 or 173cm.

My target is to drop about 10kg, but I'm not entirely sure where that will sit if I put on muscle. I'm currently at 40.4% fat so this figure is really what I want to drop to a much healthier level!

Feel free to let me know your progress or if you're just starting out then put down your starting stats and goals!


(DogsCatsandallthat on reddit)
(DogsandCatz on IRC Chat)