cant shop for a wedding dress like this

Ugh. Accidenly caught a glimpse of myself in a double mirror and was horrified. I knew i gained a good 10lbs, but was honestly shocked when i saw it. Just realized Ive been lying to myself by telling myself that noone notices it. I love my friends who say "i cant tell youve gained" but i feel a new sense of disgusting.
Getting married in a year, my fiancee just moved home after 8 month long distance relationship I've kept off 70 lbs for 13 years, he comes home (superfit retired Marine), and i start gaining. I believe i gained 12lbs and lost 3, want to loose 11. Mom says I gained because I am happy. Anyone else in this position?


  • medeering14
    medeering14 Posts: 17 Member
    That's exactly what I've had to fight back from this year. Unemployment+cohabitating for the first time with my fiance, and suddenly I look down and realize that I'm getting compression marks on my belly from my jeans.

    Yeah, "happy weight" is a way to put it. I have read, and absolutely believe, that women tend to gain weight when they cohabitate/spend a lot of time with a partner because they instinctively try to match their partner's eating habits. I was definitely doing that. I NEVER went back for seconds, or if I did, it was to pick at a favorite, a couple of bites. Suddenly I was eating seconds or even thirds, just like him.

    I went away to work for a few months out of state, and I used that time to remaster my eating habits and start a real workout for the first time in my life. I came back and he is (reluctantly) along for the ride. I started out just wanting to lose the weight, but now my goal is a tight core; my dress is a corset bodice, and I intend to look stellar.

    My wedding's in September, and I'm about to move! I want partners to keep me doing the right thing throughout that busy time, so feel free to add me.
  • You are right, i was trying to match his habits. He has been very good about offering me some of what he eats but doesnt push when i resist. Its important to have a helpmate when you have a goal.