What is your weakness and how do you fight it

MelodyBri Posts: 24 Member
Sometimes it is good to get this out in the open. Try to figure out what are some of your stop gaps or hurdles to your fitness goal are and come up with something to help you clear them. Or if you are having a tough time, talking to other people to help you figure out a plan. So one of my food weaknesses is bread, I can usually ignore most other food offers. But bread... Gahhhh, somebody brought in a literal basket of baked goods from the cafe her daughter works at yesterday and they are still here. But, I have two tricks I am working on to avoid a bread or limit my bread. The first is every time I want bread and see myself getting up, I get a drink of water instead, which prevents me from walking back with a baked good.


  • mar922
    mar922 Posts: 9 Member
    Mine is chips. I can avoid them but if I have one chip I will eat the entire bag. Abstinence is easier than perfect moderation - I found this quote somewhere and it's so true when it comes to dieting. So when I feel tempted to "just have one" I remind myself of it.
  • lmgroupiegirl
    lmgroupiegirl Posts: 10 Member
    Chocolate. For sure. More than that though is I eat when I'm bored. I've stopped stocking the candy stash at work because we have enough downtime that I would eat at least as much candy when I was bored as real food at mealtime. Now I'm trying to fulfill the boredom cravings by drinking water and walking around my office if I need something to do.
  • Andreabroadley
    Andreabroadley Posts: 5,455 Member
    For me, it's junk food. Salt, sugar, fat. The only thing I can do is to keep it out of the house, or buy it in very small quantities, very occasionally. Ice cream calls me later in the evening, so I go to bed early and relisten to SYSK episodes.
  • KaelaGibbons
    KaelaGibbons Posts: 11 Member
    edited May 2016
    Mine isn't a particular type of food but a tendency to spend too much time zoning out in front of netflix. When I do that it is inevitable that I'll end up over-eating. Even if I do well all day by midnight if I'm still sitting there binge watching game of thrones suddenly popcorn seems like a really really good idea. So for me I need to stay active and not fall prey to old habits.
  • neadanyelle
    neadanyelle Posts: 2 Member
    For me? Ice cream. Even when I tell myself I don't want it, I do. I live with a host family here in Tokyo and we've decided that sweets are not relegated to the weekend and the weekend only. Now I'm trying to hold off, knowing that if I have ice cream RIGHT NOW I won't get to eat whatever special fancy dessert my host mom is going to bring home on Saturday.
  • EternalTruth
    EternalTruth Posts: 491 Member
    Bread and soda are my weakness but I am kicking butt when it comes to those. I have been soda free for 1 month as of today and I have had one piece of bread in that same time frame. I am not against bread entirely as there are good, nutritious breads out there but I typically go for the Italian and white breads which are not so good for you.

    I recently read an article on MFP about types of breads that are better and will shop for those as I want to start having sandwiches again.

    I am against soda as it has no nutritional benefit to it.

    Chocolate used to be one of my weaknesses but I get my fix with the protein bars I eat.

    Happy Thursday!!
  • edsaw4
    edsaw4 Posts: 2 Member
    My biggest weakness is carbs. Bread, chips, cookies, pastries... I can resist most sweets but wave a croissant in my face and I'm done. I can't say I've found a way to completely manage my cravings, but not having those things in the house really helps. I also try to have good, healthy alternatives on hand so I can feel like I satisfied the craving without actually doing so. I'm also getting better about meal prep and bringing my lunch to work every day because I know I'm considerably more likely to make questionable food choices when bored and surrounded by restaurants.
  • Zabarian
    Zabarian Posts: 3 Member
    Sugar, I have my wife and friends / work folks help me avoid them. I try benders without or count out a daily supply as a challenge.
  • vasmire
    vasmire Posts: 4 Member
    I'm sorry I hate restricting
    I eat what I love and just make calories
  • fontinathefox
    fontinathefox Posts: 124 Member
    Wine. And beer.

    And bread with real butter.
  • KarenLynn17
    KarenLynn17 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm completely fine with junk food and pop (aka Soda) and the usual culprits. For me, it's wine and beer - usually mixed with a bowl of popcorn late at night on a weekend. I see it as my treat at the end of the week and I usually don't (can't) just have one glass. I think that's what sabotages me as the combo of empty and late night (re: stored) calories keeps me from reaching my goals.

    At this point I try and think ahead - if I want a cheat night, I limit other cheats during the week. If I know I'm going to a party, I commit to myself ahead of time how many drinks I'll order and try to stick to low cal mixes (vodka and Diet Coke, for example).
  • AliGh20
    AliGh20 Posts: 2 Member
    Ben and jerrys ice cream. Mashed potatoes, bread.... The list goes on. My BIGGEST weakness would most likely have to be the winter time around the holidays. Once the days are shorter and the nights are longer I suddenly don't want to do anything when it's dark as midnight at 6 o clock. Hmmm
  • terronesaaronc
    terronesaaronc Posts: 7 Member
    Beer on the weekends. I love it and refuse to give it up(swear I don't have a problem). I'm going to stick strictly to light beers. I just realized the average calorie count in the sampler pack I bought last weekend was close to twice the calories of my usual busch light(and not as good). I'm also going to go for longer runs on the weekends and really watch the rest of my calories to make sure I can afford my precious beer.
  • alararar
    alararar Posts: 1 Member
    My weakness is chocolate. The darker, the better. I don't fight it so much as try to keep it under control. I have access to 90% cacao bars where I work (one of the places I work), and I'll break up a bar into little squares (much smaller than the indicated serving size). When I feel like I could use a boost, or ward off temptation from something far worse (work-from-work Fridays donuts, I'm looking at you), I'll pop one and just let it melt. Haven't had to do that for about three months now.

    My other trick is that I keep unsweetened cocoa powder and cacao nibs in my desk at my office. They make great mix-ins for homemade Bircher müsli, or Siggi's plain skyr.
  • kyriakoscyp
    kyriakoscyp Posts: 1 Member
    My weakness is chocolate (reeses pieces FTW) lol I think like most people. So I make sure not to have it in the house. I will usually try to drink a tall glass of water if I'm in the mood for chocolates usually makes me forget after a while.
  • gfelsher
    gfelsher Posts: 11 Member
    Ice cream. I can eat all day, everyday. There's a dairy, Halo Farms, that I particularly love. I fight it by not having any near me, ever. While I love treats, I'm also lazy. Generally, I'm more lazy than hungry. So if I'm willing to go through the effort of buying it, I feel like I deserve it.