Weekly Check-in 7/8 - 7/14



  • eating4me
    eating4me Posts: 239 Member
    I also wanted to say how awesome everyone in this group is doing! Great effort brings great results...every time.
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    I was feeling low energy today when I woke up. I did Cardio Recovery and Max Recovery, and now I feel SO good! I am loving Insanity!! I was a fitness instructor, back in the 80's, and I just love the way this program is designed! I took a couple of "before" photos the day after I did the Fit Test. How often do the rest of you take photos? Weekly? Monthly?

    Photos are done monthly along with measurements. Are you in my facebook group too? I have a few videos on photos and how to take accurate measurements. Insanity is an awesome program. If you are feeling low energy you should try to eat a small snack about 1 to 2 hours before your workout. It makes a great difference to me.
  • eating4me
    eating4me Posts: 239 Member
    Yes, I'm in your FB group. I'll check out the info....thanks.
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    Yes, I'm in your FB group. I'll check out the info....thanks.

    The videos on measurement and photos were posted awhile ago. If you cant find them scrolling down a bit let me know and I will re post again for you on facebook. I wish we could post videos here on mfp.
  • alexsandstrom1982
    7/12/ Power 90. Morning workout done again, I am loving the 4:30 a.m. workouts. A great way to start out each day. So much more energy and its keeps me energized for many hours. It is like having a cup of coffee without having to drink it. Great job everyone. You all are doing awesome.
  • NoExcusesAllProgress
    NoExcusesAllProgress Posts: 159 Member
    Just checking in. I completed last nights Cardio Recovery and man is that still a workout. The legs were burning and the sweat was pooling underneath me.
  • eating4me
    eating4me Posts: 239 Member
    I did look for the videos, but didn't find them. I'd really appreciate if you'd post them on FB. Thanks!
    I'm on Day 5 of Insanity, and I did the Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs today. Every time I do a workout, I think, "This is my favorite"...This really is an awesome program!
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    I did look for the videos, but didn't find them. I'd really appreciate if you'd post them on FB. Thanks!
    I'm on Day 5 of Insanity, and I did the Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs today. Every time I do a workout, I think, "This is my favorite"...This really is an awesome program!

    I have reposted both videos. I love the Pure Cardio workout too. I am getting anxious to start Insanity again next week.
  • healthymissfit
    healthymissfit Posts: 648 Member
    I did not do the fit test day 1 this time, I jumped right in to the program (INSANITY) so today is Day 7: cardio power and resistance for me! I will do it when I'm off work (around 7pm)
  • beckyyates
    beckyyates Posts: 85
    7/12 Tony Horton 10 Minute Trainer workouts. It has been a few days since I posted but I have been working out. Been busy with life and the workouts sure relieve the stress. I want to thank you again for having this group. It helps keep me going on days that pushing play is hard. Keep up the great work everyone and have a great weekend.
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    Today I worked out to P90X Ab Ripper X. I am still cautious of my right shoulder and am taking small steps. My shoulder has felt strange all day. Its not painful but feels like it is tied in a knot.
  • alexsandstrom1982
    July 13th. Power 90. I killed this workout today. I totally rocked it. Feeling fit and awesome today. This journey has been fantastic. All those years of watching the infomercials on tv about these programs I thought were a hoax. I am a believer now. Thanks again coach ryan and everyone else for your support. You all rock.:smile:
  • beckyyates
    beckyyates Posts: 85
    7/13 Tony Horton ten minute trainers. Busy with life again and forgot to post yesterday. I did 3 workouts and will be doing 3 later today. I am going on vacation the next 4 days so I might not be posting but I will be working out. Have a great day everyone. I will post today's workout later today when complete.
  • alexsandstrom1982
    July 14. Power 90. Woot Woot. I lost another 4 pounds. I am down 38 pounds. Feeling great. I am so pumped up and motivated its giving me a rush. I am loving it. Thanks everyone for helping to keep me on track. The first 30 to 40 days was rough but now its clear sailing. Good job to all so far. Keep it up.
  • beckyyates
    beckyyates Posts: 85
    7/14 Tony Horton 10 minute trainers. Awesome job Alex on 38 pounds lost. You are doing fantastic.
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    Alex congrats on

    "July 14. Power 90. Woot Woot. I lost another 4 pounds. I am down 38 pounds. Feeling great. I am so pumped up and motivated its giving me a rush. I am loving it. Thanks everyone for helping to keep me on track. The first 30 to 40 days was rough but now its clear sailing. Good job to all so far. Keep it up."

    You are doing great. Keep it up. You can do anything you set your mind on. Awesome job.

    I have family members coming into town. They have never been camping before so we are leaving in a few hours and I will not be back on until Wednesday. Please continue to workout and motivate one another. I will have not access to internet or cell phone.