Where the rubber hits the road

Wakey618 Posts: 160 Member
After a TOTAL and COMPLETE meltdown yesterday where food is concerned, I am feeling more driven to reach my goal than ever before. It is still possible, though I have really put myself in a pickle. I really really really need help with this, even though most of you don't agree with quick weight loss. It is what it is and I am going to reach my goal come hell or high water. I will do it as safely as I know how and without totally freaking my mind out.

Depending on tomorrow's weigh-in, I have about 12.5 pounds to lose by June 18th. That's about 2.5 lbs a week, which is aggressive, I know, but not impossible to do it safely.

My plan so far (what I've come up with since last night) is this:
  • MCT oil every morning. Started with 1 tsp today and will work up to 1 tbsp
  • stick with <=20 total carbs, no more netting my carbs
  • detox baths with epsom salts to rid my body of gunk to help it run more efficiently, and to help with the rib injury pain so I can start working out again
  • water, water, water...


  • KenSmith108
    KenSmith108 Posts: 1,966 Member
    For a safer weight loss... I'd put one foot next to the scale with
    1 foot on it. :D

    >:) or o:)
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    There have been times when the scale showed nothing, but I dropped several inches around the waist. There have also been times when the scale showed a lot, yet my jeans were still tight.

    I use the scale, but I'm honestly more interested in the trend of the body fat % (yes, trend, because I'm assuming it isn't actually that accurate, but is consistent with itself) and whether I need to wear a belt or change to the smaller size of jeans than the weight itself.

    I post this and re-read it every so often to help remind me that there are other things to be looking for: 174,203 Ways to Measure Health (Besides the Scale)
  • Wakey618
    Wakey618 Posts: 160 Member
    Ok, I have officially abandoned the initial goal and consequence as of a few hours ago. The loss of the ability to exercise at the level I was (and is needed to reach goal) is too much. I will confer with my accountability partner (son) on what would be a good replacement goal & reward/consequence.

    So what have I done since declaring this? Eaten more sugary stuff. Which just goes to show I need a lot of mental adjusting so that once I reach my goal I don't go crazy eating crap. I do feel lousy in so many ways right now, so that's good I guess. As soon as I'm back in my groove with this eating, and exercising regularly I am going to VIDEO myself rambling on about how great I feel, so I can look at the vid when I need it and get back on track.

    Tonight I will suffer the sugar crash and will likely get a migraine, which is good in the long run. If there was no consequence, it would be easier to do it again and again and again...
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I suggest a weekly goal of holding firm to your commitment to not eat off plan foods. Celebrate the victory every successful day and then every successful week.
    You do that and by June 18 you know that you did everything you could do and whatever the scale says, you know you gave it your best effort.
  • Wakey618
    Wakey618 Posts: 160 Member
    I suggest a weekly goal of holding firm to your commitment to not eat off plan foods. Celebrate the victory every successful day and then every successful week.
    You do that and by June 18 you know that you did everything you could do and whatever the scale says, you know you gave it your best effort.

    That's an excellent idea - will strongly consider it! :)