So far off track



  • RebeccaMaunder
    RebeccaMaunder Posts: 171 Member
    I've been struggling a lot. I have some days I do great and then others not so much. Every time I try I have people saying to me that it is crazy and I shouldn't be doing it and I start questioning, which is silly because I know that this works.
    Tomorrow is again another new day. You have have given me some inspiration. I did do a couple of things better like taking lunches to work the last 2 weeks instead of buying them and not eating out as much this month so that helps. It is the night time hunger that is getting me, I think though as I dig in that will change.
  • FitToLead
    FitToLead Posts: 275 Member
    I just posted in the meticulous May thread, its been quite a lesson for me to watch myself be on track for 40 days, then off for 10 days, then regain equilibrium. Certainly eaitng a main meal for brunch has really set my days up well.
    Then having one whole day where I did nothing, talked to no one, just ate really well, watched romantic reality tv, and read MFP off and on for about maybe 3 hours over the day, responding to lots of posts, and connecting in.

    Those 2 things seemed to have really re set me.. Though I have decided to make time for an hour or more across the day/night, on this site, to keep me inspired, connected, and feel the warmth of this community for a happy high, rather than the seductive but very short lasting happy high I get form a few days of going with the flow of 'regular food an treats'. The joke is, when on track - I always feel so good, sooo good.
  • Vowder
    Vowder Posts: 378 Member
    Welcome back.... we enjoy your presence. I'm on this site way too much... but it seems to be working. About 15lbs left until my phase I goal weight. (80.3% complete)