Recumbent Bike

JRadd14 Posts: 206 Member
Hello everyone!

I recently purchased a recumbent bike as it is allows me to get in some extra cardio with a a rambunctious 2 year old and limited time as I'm away from home 11-12 hours most days for work, etc. I have it at the edge of my living room and allows me to watch my daughter, watch tv, read, etc. since it is super quiet, but does give me a workout.

I've tried the tips that BodyMedia provides when using a resumbent bike, but it is clearly not logging accurately the number of calories burned. I don't do much with my arms during this exercise so I don't know how it would.

Any suggestions or tips? I would like to have a more accurate display of calorie burn, but I've resigned to the fact that may not happen and I'll just need to consider it "extra calories burned" without any real data.