Recumbent Bike

JRadd14 Posts: 206 Member
Hello everyone!

I recently purchased a recumbent bike as it is allows me to get in some extra cardio with a a rambunctious 2 year old and limited time as I'm away from home 11-12 hours most days for work, etc. I have it at the edge of my living room and allows me to watch my daughter, watch tv, read, etc. since it is super quiet, but does give me a workout.

I've tried the tips that BodyMedia provides when using a recumbent bike, but it is clearly not logging accurately the number of calories burned. I don't do much with my arms during this exercise so I don't know how it would.

Any suggestions or tips? I would like to have a more accurate display of calorie burn, but I've resigned to the fact that may not happen and I'll just need to consider it "extra calories burned" without any real data.


  • veroneekag
    veroneekag Posts: 7 Member
    Technically they say not to wear it on your leg... but I have worn it on my calf when using a recumbent bike and while doing yoga. I personally don't know how accurate the numbers are, but have read online from other peoples accounts that the numbers might be a little higher than your actual burn.
  • JRadd14
    JRadd14 Posts: 206 Member
    Technically they say not to wear it on your leg... but I have worn it on my calf when using a recumbent bike and while doing yoga. I personally don't know how accurate the numbers are, but have read online from other peoples accounts that the numbers might be a little higher than your actual burn.

    Thanks V for sharing!
  • JRadd14
    JRadd14 Posts: 206 Member
    Well, I tried the recumbent bike again with the BMF on my outter left calf (about and inch below my knee). I definately got better readings wearing it on my calf... it wasn't as high as the calorie burn that the machine gave me, but far better than the readings when wearing it on my arm.

    I'm def loving my recumbent bike as I haven't been able to get in my "proper" workouts lately... Allows me to multitask and still get a great burn!