No Gallbladder doing Keto/LcHf

janesheshed Posts: 13 Member
Hi! I'm not sure if this question was answered already. 3yrs ago I had my gallbladder removed and I gained weight after. Anyone on Keto with no gallbladder? I have a doctors appointment next week and I'm pretty sure the doctor is going to be negative about Keto. I've only been on it for 3 weeks and still have the Keto flu. Any tips or experience with no gallbladder on Keto or suggestions, would be much appreciated.


  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    I have no gallbladder, and aside from 5 weeks over the holidays, I went low carb in January 2015, and Keto in February 2015. Yes, I'm going on about 18 months overall, and I couldn't love it more. I had my gallbladder out in 2000, and have had nothing but issues (no warning before disaster pants eruptions, have to be near a bathroom 20-60 minutes after I eat - no exceptions, heartburn and indigestion with too much fats, and so many other things).

    If you aren't a member of the sibling group, I'd recommend joining it, also. We've had some great discussions about gallbladder stuff lately.

    That being said, I did great jumping right in, then in July I hit a wall. I switched everything around, slid around with no progress, then after the holidays, I was back in full swing, then in mid February or so, I hit another wall. This time through discussion and follow up research, I discovered that I had low stomach acid. Adding in ACV before or with each meal has nullified that issue, and I'm happier than a clam again. Be sure to look into it, because my current theory awaiting confirmation is that it is likely having low stomach acid contributed to the issues that resulted in my have it removed in the first place!

    Since it had been so long, I didn't have to ease in slowly, but yours is more recent, and so you might need to up the fats a little slower, but if you've been 3 weeks already, maybe not...

    When you say you have the keto flu, are you talking about tired, fatigue, headaches, and the like? If so, that's a sodium/electrolyte imbalance. We recommended the first 12 weeks (adaption) getting 5000 mg minimum of sodium, good water, and adding a magnesium (most any other than oxide are good forms) supplement. Potassium is generally sufficient in food, but can be added in with lite salt or nu salt, if needed. So, add pickles, olives, salty meats, broth, pickle juice, salt your food, etc.

    If that's not what you mean, let us know, and we can make suggestions.

    Good luck. My doctors (PCP and Endocrinologist) are actually the ones who wanted me eating lower carb, and I'm glad they nagged me, to be honest! @janesheshed
  • janesheshed
    janesheshed Posts: 13 Member
    @KnitOrMiss HI! After my gallbladder removal a few years ago, I didn't have much info about what to do after. Just to stay away from fatty foods. I gained 30lbs since then. I will check out the group you've mentioned above.

    Every sign you've mentioned about the flu, I do have. Muscle cramps and fogginess as well. My keto flu comes and go. A few days ago, I've added 2 bouillon cubes a day to my diet. I know, I have to be patient for the Keto flu is different for everyone. I will try to add more sodium magnesium supplement and potassium too. Hopefully, keto flu goes away soon.

    Do you take any other supplements? Also, supplements for digesting fats, since we don't have a gallbladder?

    Congratulations on your success in Keto and Good luck too!
    Thank you for your response, advice and for the links. :-)
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    There are enzymes you can take, but I find just doing the apple cider vinegar is enough for me. I'm headed out but will respond more in the morning. Most of the suggestions I've made are in one of those three threads.

    If you haven't paused/reduced your workouts to adapt, that can trigger keto flu badly, too.
  • janesheshed
    janesheshed Posts: 13 Member
    @KnitOrMiss I will have to get some apple cider vinegar this weekend and try it out. :-)

    I did stop working out due to a recent injury this past Saturday. I will wait to adapt before I restart a workout. Thanks again! Enjoy your day!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Debating the HCL enzymes to take for at least part of my day's meals, as I'm exhausted drinking tons of ACV....


    These were the two enzymes I ran across in my research, but like I said, I wanted another take before I invested. A bottle of ACV that lasted me a month or so is only $5 and far more natural, etc.
  • carsonheim
    carsonheim Posts: 79 Member
    I had my gall bladder -- and my lapband -- removed a couple of years ago. I gained about 20-30 lbs. now I'm moving back in the right direction. I have no problems with eating a high fat diet
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    I've been without my gallbladder for 10 years. I have been keto for 8 months. No issues. In fact my stomach behaves better now than before. I do take ACV each morning when I get up and find it helpful for a myriad of things.
  • janesheshed
    janesheshed Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you everyone for taking your time to respond. I'm hopeful that this could be the lifestyle I've been looking for. :-)
  • McShorty7
    McShorty7 Posts: 69 Member
    I had my gallbladder removed in 2007 and gained weight as well. I was not at all surprised about the weight gain because I started eating whatever I wanted again. It was fantastic! The food tasted great because I was eating low fat for a long time to avoid gall bladder attacks. I have had several issues over the years as well with digestion issues. I find what affected me the most was eating anything that was processed and anything that was cooked in anything other than olive, coconut oil, butter or avocado oil and ghee. Most restaurants use vegetable or canola oil and those sent me running to the toilet. If you find that you are still having issues over the next few weeks I would suggest an elimination diet that you would do while still doing keto. The most common foods that people may not be allergic to but may be sensitivities to are nightshades, eggs, coconuts, legumes and nuts. Keep your meals simple with as little ingredients as possible for a while and gauge how you feel when you re-introduce them. Listen to your body and don't give up on keto so soon :)
  • janesheshed
    janesheshed Posts: 13 Member
    I lost my gallbladder due to all the bad food I consumed :-( After my gallbladder removal, I ate the same as I did before. I didn't change my way of eating because I thought I would be able to lose the weight easily. That wasn't the case. :-( I'm glad I found Keto. I'm hopeful :-)
  • eliseagraves
    eliseagraves Posts: 19 Member
    I had my gallbladder out six years ago; I've been on keto for 11 months. Every thing has gone splendidly for me- no problems with the high fat content.