
hayleysk2016 Posts: 24 Member
edited May 2016 in Social Groups
Hi my name is Hayley.
I've struggled with weight my whole life but 8 years ago i got married the bleep hit the fan. i was diagnosed with IBS, PCOS, and anxiety and panic disorder. In my first month of going on meds for anxiety and panic i gained 75lbs due to side effects from one med. so instead of needing to lose 20lbs i needed to lose 100!That in turn caused fertility issues which lead to doing ivf. We did one fresh cycle resulting in a dd born march 2014 and a frozen cycle with ds being born this past march 2016.

I'm going to lose weight because i want to be healthy for my kids and make sure i am around for a long time with lots of energy to take care of them. Most importantly I'm doing this for myself because I deserve it.

My short term goal is to hit 200 by December 31st. Long term to hit 150.

Pre baby weight 250
Pregnancy weight max 250
Current weight 244.4
Goal 150


  • wendy_mc_23
    wendy_mc_23 Posts: 6 Member
    Hey I'm Wendy. I was 175 pre pregnancy which is a lot for me as I'm 5"1. Went up to 208 when I have birth. Went down to 190 a month after baby and since using this app I've lost another 10 lbs. current weight 179, goal is 155, hoping to be 160 by mid August, before I go home. My husband is doing it with me and it's working for us. I feel so much more accountable to what I'm eating. Mind you we still have a cheat day, and it's my bday this weekend so I may cheat all weekend. But then back on track! Baby is 10 weeks tomorrow
  • dragongrrl_17
    dragongrrl_17 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I'm Grace and I am usually around the 140 mark. I went through a miscarriage last year before becoming pregnant again in June. My weight increased substantially during this time and during my pregnancy and to be honest, I told the nurses to keep my weight in kilos so I wouldn't know my exact weight. I didn't want to know after I hit 180. I've recently started getting back on track with my weight and have lost 5lbs due to this app, so I know it works. It's a matter of sticking with it! I'm currently at 156 and would like to get back to 140 so I can fit into all my regular clothes.
    I just need to stick to a healthy eating plan and ensure I work out more. Baby boy just turned one month last week!:)
  • cwolf89
    cwolf89 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello, I'm Cora-Lynn. I've struggled with my weight my whole life. I love over 80lbs working with a nutrition coach and personal trainer a few years ago. I seriously wish I could afford it again. I'm a mommy of 2. I gained all my weight back and more with my first pregnancy and been struggling since. My little ones are only 20 month apart.
    My current weight (I feel embarrassed sharing this) 281.
    My short term goal: 260 by September my 27th birthday
    Long term goal:175
  • hayleysk2016
    hayleysk2016 Posts: 24 Member
    Don't be embarrassed Cora-lynn! Good for you for being honest and for taking the step to be healthy. I felt the same way posting my weight but now it's out there and one less weight off my
  • cwolf89
    cwolf89 Posts: 8 Member
    cwolf89 wrote: »
    Hello, I'm Cora-Lynn. I've struggled with my weight my whole life. I love over 80lbs working with a nutrition coach and personal trainer a few years ago. I seriously wish I could afford it again. I'm a mommy of 2. I gained all my weight back and more with my first pregnancy and been struggling since. My little ones are only 20 month apart.
    My current weight (I feel embarrassed sharing this) 281.
    My short term goal: 260 by September my 27th birthday
    Long term goal:175

    That was suppose to say lost 80lbs not love lol
  • cwolf89
    cwolf89 Posts: 8 Member
    Don't be embarrassed Cora-lynn! Good for you for being honest and for taking the step to be healthy. I felt the same way posting my weight but now it's out there and one less weight off my

    Thank you. I'm just embarrassed I let myself get back up to this weight after working so hard for so long. Thankfully this pregnancy I only gained 10lbs and already lost it plus 5 more.
  • MJBez
    MJBez Posts: 43 Member
    Oops i thought i posted on here a while ago. Guess not!
    Hey, i go by MJ on here and our baby forum. I have used mfp for years, on and off. I have been successful and gotten to my target weight in the past. Problem was i didn't realize that war my target weight. I always wanted to lose "just a little more". Now i realize i was healthy, and looked pretty good and kick myself for not being content and instead eventually kinda gave up and gained weight.
    I was at my heaviest before getting pregnant. I hit 175 and had been avoiding the scales because i knew i was letting it very out of control. But as we know pregnancy means lots of weigh ins! I gained about 40-45 lbs while pregnant. I retained a lot of fluids.
    6 weeks pp i lost all my pregnancy weight. By about 10 weeks pp i was 5lbs less than my pre pregnancy weight. I've been stuck around there but I'm not being very diligent.

    Stats : 27yrs old. 5'4
    My pre pregnancy weight - 175
    Pregnancy weight - around 220
    My weight now - 169
    Goal - 140
  • ilikejam33
    ilikejam33 Posts: 252 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I found you after reading your post on baby centre. I've been using this site for many years and had great success. Happy to get back at it after being away.

    My short term goal is to return to my pre-pregnancy weight of 160 and my long term goal is to reach my 2013 weight of 145.

    Pre-pregnancy weight 160
    Pregnancy weight max 210
    Current weight 183
    Goal 160 (145)