
maggiegbrown Posts: 90 Member
Ok you guys, I'm confused all of a sudden. I have my calories set at 1000 and my fat at 75% carbs. at 5% and protein at 20% but the grams do not equal the %. 5 % of 1000 is 5 grams and they say I should have 13. and 20% of 1000 is 20 grams. and they are giving me 50. what is up with this calculation?


  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    The percentages are based on calories. A gram of fat is 9 calories. A gram of protein and carb is 4 calories.

    20% of 1000 is 200 calories... which is 50 grams of protein. 5% of 1000 is 50 calories... which is 12.5 grams of carbs. 75% of 1000 is 750 calories, which is 83 grams of fat.

    It's not percentage by grams. It is percentage by calories. Everything seems to work out, except your calories are likely too low. MFP doesn't recommend going below 1200 calories for women, unless you're under direct doctor supervision.

    Why have you set your goals so low? One of the benefits of keto is that you don't need such excessive deficits to see results.
  • maggiegbrown
    maggiegbrown Posts: 90 Member
    I struggle to get to 1000 most times I am between 650 and 800 a day unless I drink bpc all day. I just cant seem to get in my calories in. I did discover pepperoni this week but it is so processed. I really don't do fat bomb cause sweets are not my thing. I am working every day to get more calories, but I have never been a big eater just one that ate the wrong things. I could go days without eating and not miss it and then remember oh yea I gotta eat. That's why I am overweight. when I did the egg fast it was the most cal. I had in years. like yesterday I only got 350 cal. for the day. but sometimes I will eat 4 oz of tuna and then I will not get enough fat for the day. some days I am all over the place, other days I am right on point. but the whole % thing just got me confused today. Lol
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Hi Maggie,

    You are right to be wary of eating too much processed meat. As in all things, moderation. Many people do find that bpc helps them stay fuller and in ketosis, however, you do not need to add this to maintain a low carb diet.

    It is great that you are choosing to eat better. Sounds as if structure has been a problem in the past and if you are having trouble getting enough calories with this WOE, you might want to concentrate on getting enough of the right foods to eat, before worrying about counting calories. Unless you are close to your goal weight, as a rule, if you manage carbs, the calories take care of themselves.

    @Fit_Goat is right. There is good science behind 1200 calories being the lower limit for women for healthy weight loss otherwise you should have a doctor's supervision because things can go wrong when sustaining that low calorie count. Low carb, I find, works for me. It is easier to keep to a reasonable calorie limit because I am simply not that hungry when carbs are reduced.

    There are so many low carb plans to choose from and many of them have weekly menu plans and shopping lists to get you started. If you need help choosing, I am sure there are many here who can help. Many of us eat more to lose weight than we did when we gained weight. A good healthy diet is paramount.

    Are you logging? Is your diary open to friends? They could help if you need it.

    I do not do fat bombs or bpc, just moderate protein, low carb veggies, and fats with my meat, eggs, dairy and salad dressings. No sugars, no starches basically. But it doesn't work if you don't eat well. Intermittent fasting helps but it too has a structure.

    Being "all over the place" is what got me fat. Eating well with a good selection of foods gets me feeling great and losing weight.

    My goal is to lose weight, be healthy, and most importantly, keep the weight off, and for that, science says a sustainable plan is the way. Staying 'right on point' day in and day out will get you there. 350 calories daily, just gets you hungry.

    I hope you can even it out some and the macros percentages will help fine tune your plan.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    I struggle to get to 1000 most times I am between 650 and 800 a day unless I drink bpc all day. I just cant seem to get in my calories in. I did discover pepperoni this week but it is so processed. I really don't do fat bomb cause sweets are not my thing. I am working every day to get more calories, but I have never been a big eater just one that ate the wrong things. I could go days without eating and not miss it and then remember oh yea I gotta eat. That's why I am overweight. when I did the egg fast it was the most cal. I had in years. like yesterday I only got 350 cal. for the day. but sometimes I will eat 4 oz of tuna and then I will not get enough fat for the day. some days I am all over the place, other days I am right on point. but the whole % thing just got me confused today. Lol

    @maggiegbrown Can you give us an idea of what a typical day for you looked like back when? Before you transitioned to eating this way?

    When is the last time you can remember eating at a healthy volume, because honestly, if you can't recall or it's been years, you've likely put your metabolism into a prolonged type of hibernation. It won't burn more because you won't give it more, so it is at a loss for what to do.

    When you eat 4 oz of tuna, do you add 3-4 TBSP of mayo? Could you incorporate part of the egg fast rules for your breakfast each day? You're going to have to eat significantly more (and likely GAIN short term) in order to light that metabolism on fire again.

    Also, the inner counselor in me has to ask - have you considered whether depression applies? Are you in a fulfilling relationship with yourself? With a partner? With children? With friends? Because if you don't have some relationships in your life, perhaps it is time to seek this out? I know a large number of mothers and partners who make sure their loved ones have enough, and to do this, they have gone without for so long that they don't remember another way. I don't know if that applies to you, but I know it did for my mother, and it did for me for a long time. Controlling the food aspect of my life never made the rest of my life any easier, and I'm still recovering from this personally.

    I think something that might help you is to dig deep and look at the inner issues and outer issues. Outer issues being things like blood work. Perhaps you're missing some key component to make your body "fire right" again. I forget if you take nutritional supplements. I don't know how bad calories are in something like boost, but it could be important to you to do something like this in the mean time. I'm sure there are protein shake versions of BPC you could make to sip on in the mornings when you are not hungry enough to justify a meal.

    And, to add to that, there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG with sipping on BPC all day to get your calories up to safe levels. In fact, I would try that for a couple weeks to see if it helps to reboot your hunger. Either that, or possible work on scheduling meals like it is your job. You're only slowing down your metabolism further by keeping your calories so low. Sometimes we have to "fake it until we make it," even in the hunger/eating arena.

    Mixing up calories from day to day is fine, as long as you're in a safe range. Having 300-400 calories one day and 900 the next day is not a safe range. Particularly we women, as we age, we need a safe range of fats to help with what little hormonal system we have left that's functioning.

    As for the inner issues, I had to really look close at myself. I was miserably married for almost 17 years. It was only after a psychiatrist ticked me off by telling me she didn't think I was bipolar or depressed, she thought I was an utter OCD control freak who'd been out of control too long and trying to force myself to believe that I was happy when I wasn't. I got so angry, I cancelled all of my appointments. And then suddenly, one day, I realized she was exactly right. I'm a sugar and comfort food addict, and I'm in recovery. I'm not perfect, and I never will be. But that is OK. I'm me, and I'm doing the best I can on this journey we call life...

    (hugs) Hope some of this helps you find your life's hiccup...
  • maggiegbrown
    maggiegbrown Posts: 90 Member
    I'm sorry I must have mislead you all. I do eat healthy foods. The pepperoni was the only processed food in my home. My problem is not eating health it is eating enough. Most days I do IF, I will not eat until around 3-4 not intentional I am just not hungry. Sat for example my boyfriend and I went to the golden corral for dinner. That day I had eaten an oz of cheese. when I got there the only thing I ate was salad because their food look so processed to me, but I go cause my man likes to eat and I love salad. when I eat my tuna I only put a tbsp and half because other wise its to soupy. I am trying to work this out. I have always eaten good and have been thin my whole life. ( 130+ ) But not very much. I really could go days without eating just drinking diet pepsi. But since my late 40's and my divorce of 25 years I have put on thirty ponds. Now that I turned 50 its time to snap out of it and move on. It was the % that really got me that's all.
  • maggiegbrown
    maggiegbrown Posts: 90 Member
    Oh and Knit , I love your new Photo!!!!! Thanks everyone!!!!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Oh and Knit , I love your new Photo!!!!! Thanks everyone!!!!

    @maggiegbrown - Thanks. It's a few weeks old, but it's my new favorite... :)

    I'm sorry I must have mislead you all. I do eat healthy foods. The pepperoni was the only processed food in my home. My problem is not eating health it is eating enough. Most days I do IF, I will not eat until around 3-4 not intentional I am just not hungry. Sat for example my boyfriend and I went to the golden corral for dinner. That day I had eaten an oz of cheese. when I got there the only thing I ate was salad because their food look so processed to me, but I go cause my man likes to eat and I love salad. when I eat my tuna I only put a tbsp and half because other wise its to soupy. I am trying to work this out. I have always eaten good and have been thin my whole life. ( 130+ ) But not very much. I really could go days without eating just drinking diet pepsi. But since my late 40's and my divorce of 25 years I have put on thirty ponds. Now that I turned 50 its time to snap out of it and move on. It was the % that really got me that's all.

    I still wonder what a day was like for you have when you were eating a healthy VOLUME/calorie load of foods, and what those foods were, as well as what the unhealthy foods were.

    I don't think we were questioning the healthy/unhealthy value of your foods - but the healthy/unhealthy QUANTITY/CALORIE COUNT of your foods...

    Would you be willing to try and intentionally increased plan with the intention of jumpstarting and boosting your metabolism?
  • maggiegbrown
    maggiegbrown Posts: 90 Member
    of course I would and that is what I am trying for. Before I stated Keto was pretty much the same eating habit but without the carbs. I would have no breakfast or lunch, and dinner was a good ol' meat and potato girl with salad and veggies or a nice pasta dish with some protein thrown in along with a salad. always a salad I love my salad. I don't think I have gone a day in my life without a salad. some night Mexican. I hardly ever ate sandwiches. I never counter cal. I didn't have to. but back when I was 19. I join WW at 119 lbs. because I was getting married and wanted to be 115. going there I learned to eat right. It took me a year and half to get to my goal. crazy right. since then I have always eaten well and as I grew I learn to clean. but I have never got the hang of eating all day long.