Day 8 Food Cravings, is this normal?

jaymo602 Posts: 52 Member
Hello all, I think this is my first post in the group and had a question for those who follow a Keto diet. I have just started the diet last Monday (May 16th) and have followed it to the "T" without any concerns for the last 8 days, tracking and adding everything into my food log here on MFP.
As a reference, my Intake averages has been 1550 Calories, 41 Carbs, 100 Protein, 97 Fat (I am working to figure out the right percentages for my journey), and I have had no problems feeling hungry whatsoever until today.
Today is different in the fact that I felt hungrier this afternoon, and found myself snacking outside of the regular plan.

Now I didn't grab anything carby - in fact I do not have ANY desire for carbs, just a desire for protein/fat in which I allowed myself to indulge in via eating 7 chicken wings with skin, half a bag of pork rinds, and some Turkey Jerky.
My actual nutrition intake today is 1920 Calories, 34 Carbs, 111 Protein, 148 Fat.
In addition my water intake has doubled today (96 ounces)

I am new to Keto and am trying to understand if this is natural, or if its a sign of my goals not being set properly.

Any help or advice is appreciated. :)


  • healthy30s
    healthy30s Posts: 3 Member
    Yes it is normal. There are ebbs and flows to this. If food cravings persist look to are there different strategies or achange to the routine that you may be doing slighlty different versus now. Perhaps it could mean you may be doing more activity than normal, not taking in certain minerals or vitamins etc. Also apple cider vinegar or other remedies you can google to cure or allievate cravings are pretty helpful to many folks including myself. Or perhaps you may need lower the carbs slighlty if not net carbs already. Also it may be the type of carbs, perhaps lower insulin resitant type carbs and up fat and or protein more to be more satisfied. Also calories may be a little low for you if possibly you are on your way to losing more than 2 to 4 pounds per week. If you are possibly doing a combo of these that can affect hunger levels even if not permanently: eating in a smaller window of time than you normally do, doing activity at the same time, and eating keto. Doing these number of changes will burn fat, and you can feel some hunger until totally keto adapted which could be a few weeks or more. Lastly may see certain foods via what others eat, or you thought of foods from past, or saw something on billboard, commercial etc. Advertising can affect cravings as you know and guarding against the visuals while looking to reading, audio, video or engaging with others who inspire you in this lifestyle can combat this as well. Basically keeping distracted until the moment passes. I schedule these inspirations into my day even if it is 1 or 3 minutes here. It does get better one way or another if you investigate and tweak and see how you respond. I know this because I have gone through this, and follow the top people who do keto for years and most have stated these solutions.