I caved in, ruined my 5 day streak, now i feel bad.

izbugz Posts: 35 Member
I ate a whole big bag of malteasers earlier and i'm so annoyed with myself, I went 5 days with no chocolate but I had such a stressful day today I just picked them up without even thinking! How do you guys deal with those slip ups? do you workout more the next day? any advice would be great!


  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    edited May 2016
    Hi Iz, If that happens just think back to how you got off track and start over.
    Read some of the threads on emotional eating and why we do it. They help.
    Its those mental blank spots that are killer. I keep the things like that out of my house atm until I feel more conscious. Logging my calories for everything early in the day then sticking to that calorie food plan helps me a lot. I know I would eat a lot more if I wasn't accountable in some way.

    I like how you came here and were transparent about yourself. You help all of us here, plus yourself when you do that. thanks. :)
  • Verdenal
    Verdenal Posts: 625 Member
    You did FIVE days. That's great. When I act inconsistently with my intentions I try to start over again the next day. If necessary, I make the goal easier.

    I would review my situation and consider whether there's anything I could do to avoid acting inconsistently the next time. Stress eating at work is hard. If you must have malt or chocolate, maybe try a hot malt or chocolate drink that has to be sipped slowly.
  • mtpizzo
    mtpizzo Posts: 18 Member
    Yeah I agree with Gamliela and Verdenal. I myself struggle with binges... it's difficult to get back in the swing after feeling like a failure. But you're not a failure if you get back up and keep trying. If you do that then it's sorta like you just indulged in a cheat day. A lot of my healthy looking friends do a once a week cheat day. If you do that, maybe you'll be less inclined to feel guilty over an accidental binge and you can just substitute your accidental binge for your cheat day. But if you don't binge that week, treat yourself to a normal portion of something you enjoy one day that weekend during a social event or something to that nature. It might make you think twice about binging too if you know you have dinner plans to look forward to. If that doesn't work, you can try what I do and get some chocolate flavored whey protein powder and add a scoop to a healthy morning breakfast smoothie. I like to make mine with the protein powder, silk milk, spinach, and frozen berries... it satiates my chocolate craving AND it's healthy. Also I find making my main meals with lower calorie foods such as vegetables in higher volume keeps me fuller longer and less likely to binge or snack on the wrong stuff. I have a midmorning and mid-afternoon snack to curb my junk food yen and avoid overeating during my main meals. I also fill up on water. Hope these ideas help!
  • izbugz
    izbugz Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks for the wonderful advice! Ive gone completely off the rails lately but i'm hoping today will be a bit better. i think i'm coming down with somthing but i'm going to try my best to stick to healthy foods as i need to recover before i have surgery next week. i need to look into this protine powder as i read somwhere about making healthy chocolate cookies with it?
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    Hey Izbugs, All the best over the next few weeks with your surgery and mending up after. Keep eating well and come back to weight loss once you are all better. Cookies soinds better than spinich chocolate smoothies IMO not into protien shakes tho, so there are better knowing persons on that score to ask than me! lolz. Take good care. :)
  • mtpizzo
    mtpizzo Posts: 18 Member
    izbugz wrote: »
    Thanks for the wonderful advice! Ive gone completely off the rails lately but i'm hoping today will be a bit better. i think i'm coming down with somthing but i'm going to try my best to stick to healthy foods as i need to recover before i have surgery next week. i need to look into this protine powder as i read somwhere about making healthy chocolate cookies with it?

    Good luck with the surgery! Update us on here about how it goes!

    I have NEVER heard of that! I wonder if they're tasty! Haha never hurts to try. Whey protein powders that have less ingredients are better for you. I spent thirty dollars on a big tub of it for myself and it has less than one gram of sugar per serving. Pretty sure you want one low in sugar like that.