
Hi! My name is Amanda and I have been using MFP for almost one year. I am down around 73 lbs. so far. I have some issues with binge eating I have found and in particular, overeating sugary foods. At the beginning of my journey, I eliminated a lot of the sweet treats I have always consumed and found that it was really helpful to control cravings for sweets. As I have had a lot of progress, I have found myself allowing more and more sweets back into my life. I would like to feel like I have more control over avoiding sugary foods and right now I am experiencing symptoms of candida which is certainly exacerbated by sugar consumption. I have lots of reasons for wanting to lower my sugar intake! :)
I have been a vegetarian for a long time. I am interested in this group because I feel like it will be good to be held accountable and I like sharing encouragement and recipes!