Help starting LCHF



  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member

    This could be the cause of some Keto Flu symptoms perhaps? T3 and reverse T3 are subjects I am trying to gain a deeper understanding about.

    @GaleHawkins Thanks for posting this. I was just this week/last week diagnosed with a bad RT3 ratio and ongoing hypothyroidism not responding as well to increased T4 meds as expected. The hypo was diagnosed PRIOR to going low carb, but officially after a dramatic weight loss following my divorce. I'm going to dig into this, too, specifically because my pharmacist mentioned that she now has liver damage from being on the T3 medication my Endo added to my treatment regimen (took first dose this AM), but she also takes I'm trying to determine if the risks are related to the T3 med or the combination... So much information!! I'm going to dig into this article.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Hmm... Now I'm more confused than ever. This article references rT3 symptoms without other thyroid issues. I have both. My doctor has in fact increased my T4 medication (my TSH was terrible 6-9 months ago - like the worst it's ever been) 2 times since I've been low carb - and has now added a T3 medicine (lowest possible dose) to see if it helps my rT3 stuff... I'm going to extract this into a Thyroid Thread, so as not to permanently hijack here!