Stage 3 & 5



  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    Lol - 10# total. Although I think I could do 8's next time :)
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Still impressed! It took all I had just to get those done with 5lb dumbells last week :P
  • angiek123
    angiek123 Posts: 29 Member
    I think I've spent way too long on stage 3. I find myself really missing the power moves, particularly regular deadlifts and the FSPP.
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    relate. i'm halfway thru stage 3 and am missing stage 2. :-)
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Yep, i definitely agree, i come away from the gym feeling like I haven't really accomplished anything. Can't wait to get back to stage 4 and do some real lifts! (although my legs will hate me when I get there!)
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    I liked stage three more because of the cardio aspects at the end of each workout, even though I loved to hate the BWM. I didn't like the stage three exercises as much as stage 2, although I am dreading doing FSPPs again in stage 4 :P

    My finale numbers for stage 3:

    Workout A
    1 armed DB snatch: 15lb DBs to 20s
    DB single leg Romanian DL: Loved this one! 20lb DBs to 30ln DBs. I had a really hard time gripping those though!
    BB bent over row: 55lbs to 70lbs
    DB single arm overhead squat: I found this one really difficult. I didn't really move up in weight until the fourth workout. 8lbs and 15lbs went up to 10lbs and 20lbs last week, finally!
    DB incline bench press: 20lb DBs to 30lb DBs but could only manage to do 5 reps with the 30s
    Planks: got 90 seconds most of the time. A few times I dropped at 85 seconds. I am so scared for 120 seconds in stage four; my lower back gets so sore!
    Reverse wood chop: 15lb DBs to 25lb DBs

    Got the BWM down from 3:35 to 2:54.

    Workout B
    BB Romanian DL/bent over row: 45lb to 60lb
    Partial single leg squat: 10lb plate to 30lb DB
    Wide grip lat pull down: 75lb to 90lb. 75lb with only six reps was too easy but I couldn't manage the six reps without sacrificing form at 90lbs until this last workout. It is finally feeling a bit easier!
    Back extension: I hate that machine and always feel like I am going to fall off so I've just been doing Supermans and stuff instead.
    YTWL: 3lbs to 5lbs in each hand. I feel like I could go heavier with the Y and W but not the T or L so I stuck with 5s.
    Swiss ball crunch: long arm holding 4lbs up to holding 12lbs
    Hip flexion: on the ground with 4lbs added up to 12lbs added
    Lateral flexion: I use the stability ball and added weight e second week, starting with 8lbs and finishing with 12lbs.
    Prone cobras: 90 seconds but I usually only did one set since I was already doing them, and the similar Superman exercise, in place of the back extensions.
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    Nice numbers pudding you go!

    You're gonna have my eternal admiration for your BWM, too.

    Onward to 4 - will join you in 2 more weeks! :)
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    I am in awe of your BWM numbers Pudding, I still am nowhere near your beginning time!
    This morning was meant to be my last A workout of this stage but I wasn't feeling well when I got to the gym I managed to get as far as finishing the dumbbell bench press and then I had to leave in a hurry to get to the toilet :sick:

    I think I will repeat the workout again on Saturday since I didn't really do it today. That means I am STILL not finished the BWM! :mad:
  • jadebuilding
    jadebuilding Posts: 90 Member
    Back extension: I hate that machine and always feel like I am going to fall off so I've just been doing Supermans and stuff instead.

    so glad I'm not the only one!!!

    great progress overall, btw! especially in awe of your incline bench press numbers.
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    Getting close to the end with stage 3 - did it last night. Can't seem to get beyond certain weights. Like I can do 10 reps of incline dumbbell press with 30# dumbbells, but 35# - can't move it.

    Couple victories: getting the hang over Romanian bent over dead lifts. 100 second planks. 30# one armed dumbbell snatch.

    Hamstring finally healed well enough to take some very short regular and interval runs, felt so good to run - but I've lost some cardio fitness, heart rate was outta control.

    Stage 3 seems to work some very specific muscles and parts of muscles, you must need to strengthen to advance to other stages.

    Am concerned about lower back issue - wondering whether I should move toward NROL4L when finished with this.

    No inches no weight loss, but with the exception of one day, have stuck to cals for the last 10 days. 1600 is tolerable.
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    been meaning to put my stage 3 notes and results.

    notes: this stage was tough since i somehow hurt my lower back and no matter what weight i tried it still was strained. the worst exercise was dumbbell single leg romanian deadlift, which should not be that hard but from what i'm hearing as you get older your lower back weakens. the BWM was a challenge and i did meet it head-on improved my time by a minute or more. albeit hopping not really jumping. had some great victories including one armed dumbbell snatch and a few others. i felt like this stage changed things up a bit, i could not do a lot of additional cardio. workouts were really long up to 90 minutes. i did 4 sets of the first two exercises in both workouts and three of the rest. YTWL was like sort of excruciating lol. my hunger came into control, set cals at 1600 (i'm 5'5' AND 150 ~) which at the end of the day must be maintenance for me since i'm sedentary other than working out and did not lose weight or inches. here are my results:

    A workout

    one armed dumbbell snatch - 15#/6 - 30#/6
    dumbbell single leg romanian deadlift: - 40#/6 - 50#/7
    barbell bent over row - 50#/8 - 85#/7
    dumbbell single arm overhead squat - 10# & 20#/8 - 15# & 25#/8
    dumbbell incline bench press - 50#/12 - 60#/8
    plank - 90 sec - 100 sec
    reverse wood chop -50# - 60#
    BWM: 3:50 - 2:15

    B Workout

    barbell romanian deadlift/bent over row - 70#/7 - 85#/6
    partial single leg squat - 40#/7 - 60#/7
    wide grip lat pull down - 70#/8 - 85#/7
    back extension - 25#/8 - 35#/10
    YTWL - 10#/6 - 16#/6
    crunch 20#/20 - 25$/25
    prone jack- 20 - 24
    lateral swiss ball - 20 - 25
    prone cobra - 90 sec - 100 sec

    on to stage 4, which i love more than 3. :-)
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    I am starting stage 5 tomorrow and I am NOT happy to see that my old friend BWM is back :P
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Great numbers Sunshine!
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    Thanks pUdding - you're going to slam the matrix again! :))

    Hey - has anybody given any thought to what to do after stage 7?
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    I had to skip the matrix as we had to get on the road for a trip with the boys, but I brought gym clothes and will try to do the BWM and a bit of cardio tomorrow at our resort.

    However, the lifting went really well. Was able to go up in weight in pretty much every exercise, compared to where I ended them in stage 3. And I managed all three sets of 120 second planks, but that third set was TOUGH!

    Hoping to lift again on Wednesday and Friday to get my three days in, and then cardio tomorrow and Saturday.
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    Agree Pudding - tonight was my first 5A and it wasn't that bad compared to stage 3. Moved up in weights, BWM still around the same time, but I did it at the end of the long long workout. Did 4 sets of everything but it was my first stage 5 so I eased in with 6-10 reps of weights either at or slightly heavier than where I left off in stage 3. I tried this nebula machine for bent over rows, it's not really a machine but it seemed a bit safer and easier on your lower back for bent overs, worked out well. I think the bar weighs around 20? Anyway, back is only growling a little instead of barking like last time :)
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Marking so I remember to post my numbers from stage 5 :)
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    My final numbers for stage 5:

    One armed DB snatch: 20---25lbs
    DB single leg Romanian DL: love this move! 30lb DBs---65lb BB. I can't grip the 35lb DBs well enough but the 30s were no longer challenging so I tried the BB. It was a LOT harder because it forces you to balance even more.
    BB bent over row: 65---80lbs
    DB single arm overhead squat: found this very hard, especially when the left arm was raised. 10&20lb----15&25lb
    DB incline bench press: I stuck with 30lb weights the whole time. I tried 35s once near the end but couldn't hold them above my head, yet I feel ready to move on from the 30s. I see stage 7 uses a BB so maybe that will be more doable for me.
    Planks: I found three sets of 120 seconds so much more difficult than two sets and only two workouts (the first and the third) was I able to hold for 120 seconds all three sets. The last workout I could only hold for 90 seconds each set. I am just all over the place with these!
    Reverse wood chop: 25---30lbs but 30 was really a struggle.
    BB Romanian DL: I found towards the end I was getting to a point where I could go heavier on the DL part but could barely eke out the rows with that weight. 60---80lbs
    Partial single leg squat: I started with a 30lb DB and then switched to the 45lb BB on my back for the last two workouts.
    Wide grip lat pull down: 90---105lbs
    Back extension: I only just figured out how to use this machine this stage :P I started with a 10lb plate and moved on to 25lb
    YTWL: 5lb DBs --- 10lb DBs

    I got really bored of the ab exercises and prone cobra in this stage so I changed moves for some others (decline and incline crunches, the former using a 10lb plate. I also did those side bends for obliques, using a 30lb DB. The prone cobras I didn't do 4 sets and rather just held one for 2 minutes at the end of my workout; it felt more effective and challenging to me.

    BWM: The first three workouts were not great in that I wasn't even close to my time from stage 3. Something happened in the fourth workout and I beat my fastest stage 3 time by six seconds, finishing in 2:48 :)
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    edited October 2014
    I just finished stage 3!!! Figured even though this thread is quiet, I would add my starting and finishing weight :)

    DB 1 arm snatch: 7.5lb--->20lbs
    SLRDL: 20lbs--->40lbs (total- 2x20) - grew to really like these, and fell over less often.
    BBBOR: 45---->65lbs
    DB single arm OH Squat: 5 & 10lbs----> 10+20 lbs - still kind of awkward
    DB incline BP: 10x2----> 20x2 (40lbs) liked this one!
    Plank-60 sec---->70 boring!
    BWM: 3min 41sec ---> 2min 40sec I shaved a while minute off this!! So pumped about that!!

    RDLBOR: 45lbs---> 65lbs - really liked these!
    PSLSquat: bw----> 7.5x2 - didn't feel like I got much out of these
    WGLatPD: 55lbs---> 70lbs
    BackExt: 10lb-->35lbs
    YTWLS: 5lbsx2----> 7.5lbsx2, but not great. T's are hard!
    SBC: 10lb ----> 25lbs - replaced with glute bridges toward the end--->10lbs/10 reps
    Side bends (in lieu of hip flexion) 15x2---> 20x2
    Lateral flexion & prone cobras - did a variety of things instead, prone JK, reverse crunch, incline sit ups...

    In all it went fine. I feel like this stage was more isolation work and balance. I miss the strength building phases.
  • rebasporty
    rebasporty Posts: 287 Member
    I will be starting stage 3 next Friday. You ladies have me scared. LOL