

  • Mandz1984
    Mandz1984 Posts: 84 Member
    Oh and, I just need to feel like I can do this. My sense of mastery/accomplishment is a little in the pits and I would really like to feel like I've got this. I am considering learning to run, since that is something I find difficult to accomplish. Anyone here run? I workout and have decent stamina, but running...I hate it.

    Fellow running hater here *waves*
  • waffle92
    waffle92 Posts: 6 Member
    its reassuring to know im not the only one feeling like this.

    mentally i am really struggling with being in the right place to blast off this last stubborn few pounds and it is making me feel so down.

    i keep starting and failing and starting again and it just feels impossible at the moment. how do you break through that bad habit/self sabotage barrier and start seeing results?!

    my problem is i eat really healthy meals then my head says "its fine youre not fat, you can have a treat" and i end up eating junk snacks. its stupid -i know exactly what i need to do but i cant get myself doing it.

    ive lost my workout and healthy eating mojo and i want it back :'(
  • vrojapu
    vrojapu Posts: 268 Member
    I read something recently in a behavioral study which amounted to positive self-talk winning over strategies such as imagery/visualization. Essentially, the participants who told themselves "I can do better" actually did do better.

    I thought I'd use it myself, but I modified it - "I can do a little bit better" and hey, presto! it has worked so far!!
  • twentytwelve12
    twentytwelve12 Posts: 245 Member
    I struggled to lose the last 10kg.
  • KiyaK
    KiyaK Posts: 519 Member
    Hey! I'm 5'6" & 29yo. Started at 165 lbs at the beginning of the year. Made it down to 150 last week. Goal weight is 140lbs.

    It was my goal to hit 150 before I left for my 12 day vacation on Friday. Since hitting 150 I've allowed myself a little more wiggle room (aka several crazy over days that seem to average out to maintenance for the week) I'm planning on not logging at all on my vacation, but make healthy choices (I'll be in Italy, so we'll see. I'm not missing our on pasta & Gelato just because of a couple pounds!)

    By giving myself those weeks of relaxed/higher calorie eating, I know I'll be more focused & ready to slay those last 10lbs (or maybe slightly more...) when I return from vacation. I know myself well enough to realize that I need this break both mentally & physically. I plan on recalulating my calories at my current weight, continue strength training & not eating my exercise calories. MFP currently has me at 1320/day. If I could get a job that gets me moving & off the couch that would be wonderful too...
  • KiyaK
    KiyaK Posts: 519 Member
    waffle92 wrote: »
    how do you break through that bad habit/self sabotage barrier and start seeing results?!

    my problem is i eat really healthy meals then my head says "its fine youre not fat, you can have a treat" and i end up eating junk snacks. its stupid -i know exactly what i need to do but i cant get myself doing it.

    ive lost my workout and healthy eating mojo and i want it back :'(

    One thing that's helped me stay focused is that I've calculated my maintenance calories at my goal weight. I know it will be 1800. I'm currently at 1320, so 1800 sounds like heaven! I keep telling myself that if I can stick to lower calories for just a little while (a few months) I will be able to eat more every single day when I'm at maintenance. I have maintained at my goal weight for years before. My weight gain only happened when I changed from an active job to a sedentary job and changed my eating habits. So I just remind myself that these lower calories are only temporary.

    As @vrojapu said, I also tell myself that I CAN do this. And that I DESERVE to feed my body healthy, nutritious food. Good food is not a punishment, but a reward. It makes me feel SO much better (mentally & physically) than eating processed junk.
  • gtrgrl96
    gtrgrl96 Posts: 1 Member
    I should start by giving some props - wow, @KiyaK , that was incredibly helpful! So simple, but I've never had that perspective before. Thanks for posting about the maintenance calories. I think that's going to shift my gears a bit.
    I'm 5'4", 145 and trying to get off 10lbs because I think I can easily maintain 135 (I was lower but that was tough). I maintained 135 for a while (and pictures of my myself from then don't make me sad. Lol), but then we moved and then baby... You get the drift. Before pregnancy I was hovering between 140 and 145, so the preggo weight has been long gone (he's 3 and I lost it in the first six months or so - I was over the 200 mark! Yikes, milkshakes and Chick-fil-A!), but now I'm so ready to get the 10lbs off that I was aiming for before that! And it's weird because the weight is all in my midsection. For the first time in my life I actually like my legs, I just hate my stomach - used to be the other way around. In fact, a lot of my pre-pregnancy pants fit better in the legs than they did before, but I still can't wear them because of my tummy. Yes, they're about four years old, and I probably need to ditch them anyway.
    My biggest issue, as @she_creature has described is that it's really hard to be mindful of food with the distraction of a pre-schooler around. It's a grab-n-go situation. I've cooked for the week and stuffed the freezer before and, I'm really not sure why that didn't work. Perhaps I need to cook a few different meals to choose from? It got very boring, very fast, and I started looking at his frozen chicken nuggets like they were little beef filets with black truffle cream sauce. I cannot understand how that happens. And he didn't eat them, and I hated to waste them, and they don't reheat well... Ugh. I just didn't stick to it.
    I've rejoined the gym, and little one goes to the childcare and loves it, so that's not a problem. It's snacking and not eating well. Dinners are great - the hubs cooks the best salmon, steak and shrimp I've ever had, he's a great support. But during the day... those snacks sneak in. A bite here, a nibble there. Soon, I've had the equivalent of an hour on the elliptical without even realizing it. And these ridiculous snacks haven't brought me any joy whatsoever. Seriously. Chex Mix and Teddy Grahams?? Why am I doing that??
    So I'll be journaling the heck out of my food in the next few months and hoping that I won't eat the snacks because I'll be too embarassed to enter them into the food journal. 1200-1500 range. I have been trying to lose a few for a cruise, but that's now upon us and happening in a few days, so my midsection will be my midsection. I wonder if trying to lose for an event is too much pressure and is a set up for failure, and that's probably why I didn't take it very seriously. I need to get my head in the game that this is for the long run. But I'll have fun nonetheless! Journaling starts upon return! Good luck to all of you, you're my inspiration, so thank you!!
  • natnicks319
    natnicks319 Posts: 12 Member
    can any of you ladies help me out on my post?
  • KiyaK
    KiyaK Posts: 519 Member
    can any of you ladies help me out on my post?

    Where is your post?
  • MzKrystle
    MzKrystle Posts: 74 Member
    The last 10 lbs! This is exactly what I'm struggling with. I gained 80 (yes you read that right) with my last baby and I've lost all of it, but the last 8-10. I just can't seem to motivate myself to be as disciplined as I should. I workout regularly and love it, but food is my weakness. I just need to knuckle down and get it done.

    I gained almost 70lbs with both my kids. Unreal!!!!