Hello, I'm new, and looking for accountability & support after running injury

paintedtrillium Posts: 2 Member
edited June 2016 in Social Groups
I decided that I would start running again this year. I joined a running group, trained for a 10k race and was having a great time. Unfortunately I was also experiencing unrelenting shin splints that only got worse. I ended up getting a terrible stomach bug the week of the race and missed it. I decided to use it as an opportunity to rest before I started training for another race. After resting for 2.5 weeks, I was excited to get back to running. Half-way into my second run, my shins were hurting so much, I had to turn around and walk home.

I was diagnosed with either a stress reaction or a stress fracture (both are treated the same way). I wasn't allowed to do any exercise that placed any stress on my ankles (as there was targeted pain at the very bottom of my tibia.) No running, no biking, no walking hills or extended distances. Swimming was allowed, but only if I didn't use my legs. ??!

I was doing so well to develop an exercise routine that was enjoyable and challenging, and I was losing weight. Fast forward 2.5 months and I've gained back all the weight (due to emotional eating), lost a lot of muscle tone, and am struggling to keep my breathing under control when I get my heart rate up.

Yesterday I tried going for my first long walk in a while, a leisurely 2.5 miles, and my shins are a little sore now. Today, I decided to bike to the pharmacy, and it felt okay, other than tiring me out very quickly. I'm going to try the elliptical tomorrow at the gym, and may try pool running if I can get my hands on a flotation belt. I'm also thinking about roller skiing and indoor rowing...

I'm really frustrated by my injury and by the weight gain. I'm counting calories again, put my fitbit back on, and changed the battery in my Garmin watch/HRM. I'm hoping to find a way to get back on track, while supporting a speedy recovery, and staying positive. Any suggestions for low impact, ankle-friendly exercises are greatly appreciated! As are any other recommendations for dealing with long-term injuries.

F, 35yo, 5'2", CW: 199, GW: 120
TLDR: Suffered running injury, gained back 15 lbs., trying to get back on track. Missing the running highs terribly.


  • Azercord
    Azercord Posts: 573 Member
    I can suggest a site that might help you out. Darebee.com, it is all bodyweight stuff, completely free, good support forum if you want, and you can do modifiers to help keep the stress off of your ankles. I use the site a ton since they have lots of single workouts and 30-90 day workout programs. Check them out and see what you think.
  • paintedtrillium
    paintedtrillium Posts: 2 Member
    @Azercord, thank you so much for the suggestion! I'm definitely going to check out the site and their training programs.
  • Azercord
    Azercord Posts: 573 Member
    @paintedtrillium, if you join up in the forums I'm under the same name there.